Tied Up in Knots (Marshals 3) - Page 28

“I think it’s knowing how strong you are, that you could stop me if you wanted,” he said, turning my head sideways so he could reclaim my mouth, biting gently, kissing, sucking until I had to pull back to breathe.

“You never kiss me this much.”

“I will from now on.”

“How come?” I couldn’t keep from asking.

“’Cause I dreamed about it every night,” Ian confessed, and his grin wasn’t predatory, but sheepish, sweet. “I dreamed about your mouth and kissing you and touching your skin… hearing you scream when I fuck you.”

The glint in his eyes made my dick throb.

“Look at you,” he said reverently, sliding his hands over my hips before he closed them on my ass and spread my cheeks.

“Ian,” I barely got out, my voice deserting me as he licked over my hole.

“You’re gonna have to do better’n that,” he said before he speared his tongue inside me. A whine I wasn’t proud of tumbled up from my gut. “Say my name, love.”

The endless rimming, deep inside to my core and then out, circling, loosening my muscles, sent me again and again to the verge of a splintering orgasm, only to lessen and keep me from slipping over the edge. I was helpless to do anything but fist my hands in the comforter and let Ian explore and devour me, unable to manage more than a mewling plea for him to not stop.

“Who do you want?”

I yelled his name a second time.

“Better,” he agreed, holding me open as he continued the ravishing onslaught for almost longer than I could bear.

When my arms gave out, I went facedown on the mattress, loose and ready, and I was surprised when Ian rolled me to my back and got off the bed. My confusion must have shown on my face because he smiled wide as he went to the nightstand.

“I thought you wanted to fuck me,” I said, admiring the wide, thickly muscled chest, his sculpted arms and long legs and perfect taut ass, marveling as I always did at the carved lines of the man, all of him built strong and powerful.

“Oh, I do,” he assured me, coming back around the end of the bed with the lube. “But I’m gonna be holding those beautiful thighs of yours when we do it.”

I grinned. “You’ve been thinking about holding on to me while you fuck me.”

He exhaled sharply and I saw the muscles cord in his neck as his left hand fisted tight. He was keeping a tight leash on himself. “Yeah.”

“Then come on.”

He pounced on me, not careful; opened the lube and spread it fast, the coldness of his slick fingers pressing inside me a perfect counterbalance to the wet heat there.

“You okay?” he asked, checking on me, his voice gravelly and low.

“Yes,” I answered softly. “Please… now.”

Even with all the prep, Ian was careful, moving slowly, screwing himself inside inch by inch, allowing me to get used to him before he sank in any deeper, until finally his impressive length was buried to the hilt in my ass.

“Jesus, that thing is fuckin’ huge,” I sighed, loving the feeling of fullness with the stretch and burn, all the sensations together running the razor’s edge between pleasure and pain.

“You feel so good,” he crooned, taking my cock in hand, squeezing and pulling, working my flesh in his palm, easing out, then back in so when he pressed down into me the second time, his dick grazed all the places I needed.

“Oh fuck, Ian,” I cried out as he gripped my thighs, spreading and lifting as he slid within me, back and forth, his motion small at first but slowly increasing, faster and faster. He was watching me, absorbing the sight of me coming apart in his hands.

“You’re with me,” he snarled, his voice thick and dark as he lifted my legs and draped them over his shoulders. “Everybody knows that, right?”

“Of course,” I promised as he thrust hard, driving deep, each snap of his hips punishing and exquisite at the same time.

“You need to tell people when I’m not here,” he said as his hot skin, slick with sweat, slipped over mine while he pistoned inside me, everywhere feeling electric and connected.

“I do,” I reminded him gently, moving my legs from his shoulders and wrapping them around his hips, bringing him closer. “Now stop.”

“You want me to stop?”

“Not with your body, with your head,” I clarified. “Stop thinking and worrying, baby, we’re good.”

He searched my face, stilling as he studied me. “Yeah?”

“I swear. We’re okay. We’re gonna be okay.”

Deep heaving breath out of him as he nodded quickly.

“Do me a favor?”


“Either fuck my brains out or lemme have you.”

“Hold on, love, I’ve got you.”

The pounding he delivered was brutal and perfect, and when he pegged my gland, I came in a shuddering rush that was overwhelming, fast and unexpected.

Tags: Mary Calmes Marshals Crime
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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