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The Rulebreaker

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“I’m still waiting for you to make me that list on how to woo impossible women.”

“Impossible women?” I raise an eyebrow and laugh despite myself. I can never stay mad at him too long. “Why would you want to woo an impossible woman?”

“Because possible women are easy to get.” He looks at the girl still standing beside him. “No offense. Being a possible woman is a great thing, babe.”

“No offense taken.” She shrugs a shoulder, shaking the red cup in her hand. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’m out of beer.”

“Babe?” I shake my head. “Gross.”

“Put it on the list then.”

“I will.”

“What list are you talking about?” Mitchell asks. “This started out as a promising argument, but like every other argument the two of you have, it became something else.”

“Rocky’s going to make me a list of things to do and say or not do and not say so that I can get a woman. A real woman. Not just a fuck buddy.”

“You do realize all you have to do is not fuck every woman you meet and show the ones you see a future with that you’re serious.” Mitch’s brows pull in deeper.

“You do realize I’ve tried that and it hasn’t worked,” Mav says.

“He has.” I look at Mitchell. “He actually dated a really nice girl, Mauve, and he screwed it up by screwing her friend.”

“I didn’t know they were friends,” Maverick states.

“If you’re serious about someone, you don’t go around screwing other people.” I shoot him a look.

“Okay, Mom.” Mav rolls his eyes. “So are we cool?”

“Like I said, I’m going to go find Brian.”

“He’s not even your type,” Maverick shouts. “Seriously, Rocky, why him?”

“Why not him, Mav?” I shrug a shoulder and walk away, leaving him and his brother behind.

I’m not really planning on going to look for Brian. My plan is to go to my room and lock the door and forget this party is happening, but on my way in, I do spot Brian, and he smiles when he sees me, so I walk over to him. I don’t know why Maverick thinks he’s not my type. He’s hot and nice and that’s good enough for me.

Chapter Seven


I’ve been watching Rocky and Brian flirt for what feels like an hour. It’s not like she doesn’t deserve to live her life and do whatever she wants, but he’s definitely not who I would have chosen for her.

“What’s wrong with Brian?” Mitchell asks beside me. He’s been babysitting the same beer since he got here. It has to be lukewarm by now.

“Nothing. Why?” I tear my gaze away from them and look at my brother.

“You’re watching them like a hawk, so I assume something is wrong with him.”

“Oh.” I look at them again. Rocky’s laughing so hard, she’s bending forward and Brian is loving it. An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of my stomach.

“At least he makes her laugh. We all know how difficult that can be to do,” Mitch says. “It’s nice to see her let loose once in a while.”


“She looks fucking hot too,” he continues. “That dress? I mean, damn.”

“Gross, Mitchell. That’s Rocky you’re checking out.” I shoot him a look.

“I didn’t say I was going to do something about it. I’m just admiring how hot she looks. I don’t know why she wears all those baggy clothes all the time when she has that underneath.”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be objectified.”

“Maybe.” My brother shrugs. “Or maybe she’s insecure, which would suck, considering she has the perfect body.”

“Can you stop checking her out?” I push my brother’s shoulder.

He stumbles a couple of steps and looks at me in disbelief. “Dude, what the hell?”

“Just . . . stop looking at her, stop talking about her, just stop.”

“Holy shit.” He searches my eyes. “You . . . like her?”

“No. Of course not.” I scowl. “She’s my best friend. What the hell is wrong with you? She’s always been a little sister to you and now all of a sudden you’re talking about her like she’s a conquest.”

Mitchell laughs. “Wait till Jagger hears about this.”

“About what?” I feel my scowl deepen. “Stop trying to start shit.”

“I’m not trying to start anything. I’m appreciating how she looks in that dress. You’re taking it somewhere else. Newsflash, if she wore the dress it’s because she wants people to notice how good she looks.”

“That’s not true.”

“Yes, it is, bro.”

I set my jaw as I think about that. I know a lot of girls are like that, but not Rocky. She’s not afraid to try out a new sport and get hurt or mess up her hair when we’re outdoors. She’s always been that way, choosing to hang out with us rather than going to the spa or whatever. She enjoys being one of the guys. She’s told me that herself. The idea that she’s wearing that dress because she wants people to notice her—guys to notice her—is ridiculous. She doesn’t even like it when guys hit on her whenever she goes out.

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