His Dirty Bargain (Dirty Billionaires 3) - Page 50

While I’m thinking of it I pop two ibuprofen. I usually begin taking them when I start, then keep taking them until day three when my flow lessens along with the pain.

Whatever you want. Leave early today, at three?

I check my calendar; since I finished with my client today, I’m still clear into tomorrow.

Yes, please. Sounds good.

His response comes through quickly.

See you at three.

When I get downstairs I find Enzo waiting for me. His arms go around me. I sag into him; it never ceases to amaze me how every time he touches me, my whole world resets to peace.

At home he urges me into the bedroom to change into something comfy. I change into leggings and a loose shirt, not bothering with a bra.

I walk out into the living room to find the ottoman covered in a smorgasbord of goodies. There are the Twizzlers and Starbursts I love, a bag of popcorn, and my favorite sparkling flavored waters. I gasp at the sight of a small platter filled with cannoli, éclairs, cream puffs, butter cookies, lemon taralle, and two tiny fruit tarts.

“Well, are you just going to stare at it or does something look good?” Enzo asks as he pulls me into his arms from behind. He’s down to his boxers, the way he knows I love him.

“I can’t pick. I wondered where Taco was.” The little dog has become a fixture from the minute Enzo gets home. Cetta and Pepe, however, have fled us to become a part of the fur clan who stay near Bethany.

He chuckles. “I put up a baby gate, he hates it. He’ll live for a few nights. Let’s start with some water.” Enzo settles me on his lap then covers us with a soft throw. Leaning over, he picks out a strawberry-flavored water.

“I’ve been drinking water today, I promise.”

“Doesn’t hurt to drink more.”

“Why are you being so nice and sweet?”

Enzo laughs as he hugs me tight. “Because I hate the idea of you miserable and in pain, and if there’s something I can do to help you feel better, then I will.” An eyebrow goes up. “Russell warned me and advised me. He also said I’ll get bonus points when you’re feeling better.”

“Oh god, he gave away all my secrets, didn’t he?”

“Mmm, yeah, pretty much.”

“Traitor, I’ll pay him back.”

“No, you won’t. He cares about you.” He picks up the remote. “Do we really have to watch reality television though?”

“Maybe, depends on what’s on.”



I stiffen at the ringtone. Shit, Nonna. Guilt fills me—I haven’t talked to her in almost two weeks since the day before I agreed to marry Enzo. We don’t usually go so long without talking. Normally we talk during the day on a weekend, as because of the time difference I need to call before two in the afternoon. But between work and planning for the wedding, even my weekends were full. “Nonna, I’m sorry I haven’t called you sooner. I’ve been crazy busy.”

“Hmm...I heard how busy you’ve been.” My heart stops. What? “Your man, I like him. I didn’t expect to, but I do.” Holy shit, I suck in air so fast I choke. “Chloe?”

“I just—I, he called you?”

“Yes, the day after you became engaged. Lorenzo introduced himself.” How like Nonna to use his full first name, though I have no doubt he asked her to call him Enzo. She might not have been born in Italy, but you would never know it. Nonna is old-world Italian, so much so her English is poor compared to her Italian. I can’t wait to see her and Tony together. “He invited me to the wedding, and to stay with you before and after. He’s sending his jet to pick me up a week before the wedding. He’s a smooth one; he would have to be to get you though, wouldn’t he?”

Chuckling, I wonder how smooth Enzo was. “What did he say?”

“Not as much as he could have. He introduced himself, he was surprised I hadn’t called you already. I wondered the same thing. When I expressed concern, he assured me he would do everything he could for your marriage to be a success. He didn’t tell me the most interesting things about himself. I had to find that out from Julia’s granddaughter, Antonia. She brought over her computer and showed me all about your young man.” I bite back a groan. “Unique young man, I think he’s exactly what you need.”


Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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