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His Dirty Bargain (Dirty Billionaires 3)

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“Hmm.” I wonder what the plot could be. The last few weeks have been nothing short of heaven. Was he plotting for me or against me or...stop, stop looking for trouble because there’s no better way to find trouble than going to look for it.

“Hello, earth to Chloe.”

“What, sorry?”

“You’re thinking about how awesome Enzo is and how no food in the entire world could be better than making love with Enzo.” She makes kissing noises.

I blush. “Ugh, it’s even more embarrassing than that.” Shaking my head, I turn my attention to the paint swatches on the wall. “I like this one better.”

“What were you thinking? You can’t say it then not tell me.” My face flames. “Tell me,” she whines.

Deflating into the rocking chair in the soon-to-be nursery. “Is it weird how incredibly hot it is to have sex with the express intention of getting pregnant? I want to tear his clothes off every time I see him.”

Throwing her head back, she laughs. “Oh yeah, totally hot. I’m sure if you get to six months it becomes more of a chore, but in the beginning so damn hot.”

“So I’m not a freak?” Bethany turns bright red, then starts laughing so hard she has to lean against the wall. “What?”

“When I first started seeing Dante, I asked the same question: if I was a freak because I loved when he got all He-Man. I mean, none of that ever appealed to me before. I was convinced something

was wrong with me, like what if this was a low-key toxic relationship or I don’t even know. Alicia was all chill, don’t be ashamed of what turns you on and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. As long as he respects you and your body then it’s between the two of you and nobody’s business. Then she admitted she liked to be spanked. Getting turned on about breeding sex, not freaky at all—I hear it’s a totally popular thing. Not nearly as kinky as spanking which, I’m not ashamed to say, is totally hotter than baby-making sex. I think it’s funny women get all caught up in what they should or shouldn’t like when it’s like who the hell is going to police it, and so what if we’re into something that isn’t ‘normal’? Normal is totally subjective, as Dante loves to say.”

Nodding, I sigh. “You’re right. Usually I couldn’t care what someone thinks of me. I’m not sure why I’m wondering if it’s weird or not.”

“I think we women need to stop listening to anything but our inner voices of what we like and don’t like. I used to tell my patients that all the time: you know your body best, listen to what it’s telling you. Alicia is finally letting it go. Now that she’s home with Nicky, all that noise she was caught up in has completely disappeared. She gave up on breastfeeding entirely and she’s not even crying about it.”

“That’s great, I’m sure it’s a relief for Cesare too.”

“Oh yeah, for the both of them. Alicia’s like, she doesn’t even talk to other moms, why is she trying to be this super mom and feeling guilty for having a nanny, a housekeeper, and Cesare helping her? Cesare is still worried since it’s only been a week, she’ll revert back to neurotic, but Alicia is adamant she’s over it. She didn’t even hesitate to call for a masseuse to come in today. I’m proud of her. And if you could second it today, that would be awesome.”

“Totally, yes. I’m bringing her some macarons from our amazing wedding baker.”

“I’m bringing her a goody basket of face masks and these bath bombs I have fallen in love with. That reminds me, what time is it? Shouldn’t Dante and Enzo be here with the food by now? They left almost an hour ago.”

I check my phone. “Yeah, I don’t know. I’m surprised Cesare was willing to allow Dante and Enzo to get barbeque from anyone else.”

“Cesare is channeling Alicia in the letting it go. I think he said something about that’s fine or else we were going to be eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.”

“Well, it is kind of a lot to have a bunch of people over when Alicia just had a baby two weeks ago. I’m thinking I’ll need that long to recover before I want to get out of bed, let alone host a house full of people.”

“It won’t be bad. Once your housekeeper is plugged in, it makes your world much easier. I don’t know what I would do without Claudine. Karen is super nice, she’s not as amazing a cook as Claudine, but she’s not bad.”

“Who is Karen?”

“Enzo’s housekeeper; well more like lifekeeper. She orders his clothes, you know how their shirts and suits are handmade, handles the dry cleaning, orders the groceries, oversees the house cleaning, cooks, pays the bills, all that stuff.”

“He has yet to mention this.”

“Probably because she’s as much a part of his life as Claudine is in ours. She’s just always there, making our lives easier. Trust me, you will love Karen and how she helps you two by dealing with the little stuff that becomes big. Like who the hell really wants to argue about taking out the trash? Who wants to take out the trash? Or honey, did you pick up my dry cleaning, or you forgot my deodorant all that stuff never becomes an argument because it’s not on either of you to worry about. Karen does Enzo’s breakfast, and she’ll do dinner if he asks for it. Like the only times me and Dante argue is when it comes to dinner when we try and figure it out on our own.”

“I guess. I just don’t know if I want to have someone in my home I don’t know.” Yet the longer I consider it, maybe it’s not such a bad thing. Especially with both Enzo and I working as much as we do.

“So you’d rather be the one to clean your own toilet, or even deal with the scheduling of someone else to come clean your toilet?”

I’ve always hated cleaning and if Enzo is all about being neat and tidy, it’s probably a good thing for someone else to handle all of that. “Okay, you’re right. I just wish it’s something Enzo told me.”

“Told you what?” Enzo is leaning against the open door of the nursery.

He’s so beautiful, am I ever going to see him and not melt a little inside? I mean it’s only been a month but I’m thinking, no. “About Karen.”

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