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His Sugar Baby

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I made my first million at sixteen and my first billion before I was thirty. I get what I want when I want it, how I want it, and I have no problem paying for it. Hell, I’ve already been doing it with the women I’ve been dating. They enjoy my credit cards during the day and I’m supposed to be enjoying them at night. It starts mutually beneficial but before long the woman get comfortable and start getting headaches and tired yet still spend my money. That’s it, I’m done with dating. It’s time for a woman who knows the deal and signs on the dotted line. I’m looking for a sugar baby, it's instant lust when I find Anne. Until I find out she hasn't been just a sugar baby before, she's sold herself by the hour in Las Vegas. It's one step too far for me, only I can't stop thinking about her. I find out she had her reasons for what she did, like I have mine. Her past is her past. I want her for what she is now. Besides, this is just sex, a simple exchange for time and money. Except, little by little, it becomes far from simple as I find out money doesn't buy everything.


I thought I was done with being a sugar baby, of selling myself for security and a better life than the one I grew up in. I tried to go white collar, after working my ass off to get a degree in accounting; only, things don’t always go as planned. The instant attraction to Grant is a cherry on top. He's gorgeous, thoughtful, and very generous. Is that why all my rules begin to blur, blend, and break to please him? I'm not ashamed of my past and all I’ve experienced, but it doesn't prepare me for Grant and all the things he wants and needs from me. I don't believe in forever, in happily ever after. What happens when he wants more than I give?

Chapter One

My phone is ringing, it shouldn’t be ringing. I ignore it as I continue punching out my code.

“Sir, it’s the credit card company. Again.” Alice is gone before I lift my eyes from my computer screen. She knows I hate interruptions, especially like the one I’m getting.

“This is Grant Dexter.”

“Mr. Dexter, sorry to disturb you, sir, but there is an attempt to charge past the limit you set last month. When I asked you for approval for the last charge.”

“How much and where?”

“Barney’s, one hundred twenty-two thousand four hundred seventy-seven dollars and forty-five cents. Do you approve the charge, sir?”

Fuck no. “No, see to it the card is cancelled. Close all accounts I have open under Ms. Sand’s name.”

“Yes, sir. They will all be closed immediately.”

This is the last thing I want to be dealing with, Caitlyn and her bullshit. I hit the button on my phone for the intercom, “Alice, pack up Caitlyn’s shit. Only what fits in her suitcases, the rest will go for donation.”

“I’m already doing so in her closet. Her jewelry collection, sir. It’s quite extensive. I’m not aware you bought her any pieces.” Her tone makes it clear she’s the one who isn’t an idiot in this conversation, that and all the sirs.

Alice has been with me forever, any other time it would be Grant. When she wants to make a point I’m trying her patience, it’s sir. She’d made her opinion of Caitlyn clear the first morning Caitlyn slept over. Alice told me in front of Caitlyn I should get a hobby to occupy myself. Caitlyn had no idea the phrase I should get a hobby was used when Alice thought I was wasting my time on something or in Caitlyn’s case, someone.

“I didn’t. Let her leave with a few. Put the rest into the safe for charity donations.”

“Yes, sir.”

I’m just getting back into the rhythm of work when I hear the front door bang open against the wall, followed by the wail of my name. Then, she must have seen the lined up suitcases waiting for her and what they meant. This time she screams my name and her wailing crying is so loud it starts to give me a headache from three rooms away.

I turn up the music I run as background noise to work in. It doesn’t help when Caitlyn steps into my office. She’s all disheveled, her hair, real and fake is a mess.

“Grant, don’t do this to me, to us. Haven’t I done everything you wanted me to? I don’t bother you when you’re working all day long. When you come to bed, I lay back and take it even when I’m not in the mood.

“Okay, I spent some money. It takes money to keep me looking as good as you want me to. Please, please. Give me another chance, didn’t I give you what you wanted? I’ll suck your cock more, I promise.”

I type the last of the code and look up to see she’s still there. I’d stopped listening seconds after she started talking. She had nothing to say I want to hear. I dial down to the front desk.

“Sammy? I need a few men to help Ms. Sand downstairs with her luggage. Alice already called? I don’t know what I would do without her. There goes the doorbell. Thanks, I appreciate it.”

“You bastard!” Cailyn slams a hand on my desk to get my attention.

“The men can either help you with your luggage or carry your ass downstairs with your luggage. Your decision.”

“Just wait, just wait until it happens to you. Some woman is going to bring you to your knees and make you fall in love. You’ll know what it feels like to have your heart in someone else’s hands, and how scary it is.”

“Goodbye, Caitlyn.” I murmur, as I look at Ben, from the front desk, as he wraps a hand around Caitlyn’s arm. She goes without another word.

With a chuckle, I turn back to my computer screen. The woman might have cried and wailed about losing love, but she did it all without messing up her makeup.

I make it to the club to find Marshall waiting on me, plucking his racket with glee. If we are both on time we settle who serves by flipping a coin but if one of us is late, the one on time gets to serve. “Fine, you serve. It doesn’t matter, you’ll win anyway. I’m fucking exhausted. I only got about four hours of sleep. You have no idea how hard it was to get out of bed this morning.”

“Come on man, don’t throw

in the towel before we even begin. I’m hardly going to go easy on you, when no doubt it was sexy Caitlyn’s fault.”

We go into the club to find we need to wait for a court. Despite this being a regular Monday morning squash game for us, we haven’t reserved a court.

“Caitlyn’s fault, yes, but not for the reason you’re thinking. She tried to hit me for over a hundred grand at Barney’s. After last month’s no on eighty thousand at Saks, I thought she’d catch on that no way am I letting her spend that much cash.

“When I put her out she made a scene. I had to have her removed, along with her shit. After all her wailing, it took a while to get back into my zone. I was up late finishing the latest project I’m working on.”

“Ouch, already? She didn’t last long, like, eight months or so. You let her move in too fast. It put you two on the fast track, in her mind.”

“Yeah, probably, but fast track shouldn’t have even been there for her. I told her I wasn’t interested in anything permanent. She said she understood. It was supposed to be convenient but instead it got old real quick. I’m telling you, man, the next one I’m putting that shit in writing. I do not need this hassle.” I wipe my face, trying to wake up, and find Marshall studying me. “What?”

“I get it in writing, have with the last few women. Rachel and Diana signed on the bottom line.”

“What are you talking about? A prenup on a girlfriend?”

“No, like a contract with a sugar baby. Don’t tell me you don’t know what a sugar baby is. Don’t give me that look, Grant. For guys like you and me, it’s the smartest thing we could do. Put it all out there, what we want, expect, and what we are willing to pay and put up with and not put up with in return. No muss, no fuss, I’ll never go back to the old way.”

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