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His Sugar Baby

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Shaking his head, his confusion is clear. He stares at me, his eyes wide. “I don’t know.”

“You have several options, it depends on which appeals to you the most. You could do what you would do with any other person who has broken one of your cardinal rules. You dump the lying bitch and don’t look back—” The words are barely out of my mouth before I’m on my back with Marshall’s hands around my neck.

“Don’t you dare fucking call her a bitch.” His rage is scary.

Pulling his hands from around my throat isn’t working, I can barely breathe. I punch him in the kidney, hard enough he should be pissing blood tonight, then throw him off me.

We’re both gasping for air as we lay on the deck, me on my hands and knees, Marshall in a ball. “Jesus Christ man, take a breath. You never get to drink again. How many have you had?”

“A couple. It’s just, she’s not a bitch, don’t call her that. She was trying to protect herself and Cara. My profile was clear, no kids. I was the one to contact her, she took a chance. She didn’t think we’d make a connection, except we did. Since I was the only guy she genuinely liked, not just thought she could put up with, she took a chance.”

Leaning against the railing of the deck I watch him climb back into a deck chair. “Since you aren’t willing to let her go, what are you willing to do?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know.”

“Well, you’d better figure it out, and while you do, don’t forget there’s a little girl you have to factor in.” His face lights up at the mention of the girl. He goes on to tell me the story of Rachel’s baby daddy who couldn’t care less about his kid. How the girl knew nothing about her father, had never met him. What a surprise it had been the way Cara climbed into his lap within seconds of meeting him. Then demanded to be read a story then another and then another.

How unhappy and sad Rachel had looked when she found him in her daughter’s hospital room. A daughter she wasn’t supposed to have. She had been angry at him for going to see Cara, not caring Cara liked him, that Cara begged for him to come back to read her more stories.

When I notice his words slurring, I go into the kitchen and he follows me inside. I make some coffee then open the fridge to find a bunch of meals prepared, ready to be microwaved. Grabbing one for him, it takes a while before I find one appealing enough to eat. Through it all, Marshall keeps talking, as if he has to get it all out. As we eat he tells me Cara hates peas.

Finishing his second cup of coffee he sighs, finally, he seems talked out. “I’m sorry, man. About all of this, me babbling like a girl, trying to choke you out like a nut job.”

“Don’t worry about it. Falling in love for the first time after not believing in it for so many years will make you nuts. Finding the woman you love comes with a kid you never thought you’d have is even rougher.”

His laugh is forced. “I’m not in love with Rachel. Don’t go putting your crazy love thing on everyone else.”

“Once you stop fighting it you’ll be much happier.”

“No, man, no way.”

“If you beat us to the altar I’ll be bummed but not surprised. Go take a shower and go to bed, you look like you’ve been up all night.”

“I have been. I do need some sleep, but I’m not in love with her.”

I laugh as I leave, not bothering to argue with him.

Chapter Fourteen

I’m woken by a rough smack to my ass. “You only have time for a shower this morning. A quick one, then pack your toiletries. I’ve already packed your suitcase. When you’re done get your ass in the kitchen for breakfast. We leave in a half hour, no later.”

He’s gone before I’m able to take it all in. God, what time is it? I roll over to find his clock glowing telling me it’s five minutes after five in the morning. Is this some form of punishment? Is he mad at me? Wait, suitcase... well fuck, if I want to find out I have to get out of bed. I stumble into the shower, and start pushing buttons, careful to stay out of the spray before the temperature is where I want it to be, then get in and stand there. It takes a while before I start moving again. I’m drying off when Grant walks into the bathroom.

He’s frowning, “Anne, come on. Your breakfast is getting cold.”

“Shut up, don’t talk to me while I’m trying to wake up. You couldn’t even wake me up with sex, you have to send me in to take a shower. No more talking.” I snap, as I fill my glass to take my pill then brush my teeth.

Grant stands behind me, when I’m done he hands me a small carry on to fill up. I throw things in without really paying attention, then let my towel fall as I make my way to the closet.

An outfit is waiting on the island and I’m relieved enough I don’t even question it. I just put on the bra and panties and the long sundress. I slip on the comfy shoes I usually wear, and check to see Grant has packed the other pairs. Grant grabs my hand, leading me through the condo to the kitchen where he pushes me down at the table where a plate and coffee is waiting. He’s smart and hands me a cup of coffee already prepared the way I like it. I drink almost half of it down as I try to wake up. There are questions I want to ask.

I finish the cup of coffee and Alice urges me to eat my eggs and bacon as she makes another cup of coffee for me. The smell of the bacon makes my stomach grumble, I turn my focus back to my bacon. By the time the bacon and eggs are gone I’ve finished my second cup of coffee and am being handed my glass of orange juice by Alice.

Grant is coming into focus, he’s leaning against the island in the kitchen. “She has orange juice every morning?”

“Yes, she likes it fresh squeezed.”

I finish the juice and hand the glass to Alice for a refill and wonder why Grant asks a question I thought he knew the answer t

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