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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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It appeared the shipments of arms had slowed, but Striker doubted they’d stop entirely. The amount of ammunition Abdul was stockpiling was alarming. If forced to, he would make arrangements for the CIA to take him out along with the weapons stored on his compound.

Striker would much rather that happened after they found out where Ghafor’s stream of money flowed from, along with what he planned to do with all his newly acquired weapons of mass destruction.

“Is Aine really leaving?” Razor asked, walking back into the office.

“I think I talked her into staying.”

Razor shook his head.


“I may not have always been your biggest fan—”


“Hear me out. You’re good for Aine. I just wish things had gone differently.”

Striker scowled. “Well, they didn’t. Do you want to get back to work, or should we call it a day?”

Razor laughed. “I don’t miss Gunner as much when you’re around. Wanna know why not?”

“Not particularly.”

“I’ll tell you anyway. You’re just ornery enough that you remind me of him.”

Striker flipped him off and went back to tracking Ghafor’s movement. It looked as though he was leaving the compound. Depending on where he went, this might be the break they needed in order to gain a better understanding of what he was up to.


“Hi, Tara,” said Aine, accepting the call. “Did you get my message?”

“I did. Pen and I are so excited to visit. It seems like we haven’t seen you and Ava in forever. I can’t even remember what Quinn looks like. Have you seen her yet?”

“No, but she and Mercer are coming for dinner tonight.”

“They aren’t leaving on another world adventure soon, are they?”

Aine laughed. “I’ll let you know if they are. When will you be here?”

“That’s trickier now that Penelope has a job. She actually has to ask for time off.”

“Don’t sound so disgusted. Having a job is a good thing, Tara. When are you going to look for one?”

“That’s rich, Miss Pot, when are you?”

“I’m going back to school.”

Tara gasped. Evidently, that was worse than getting a job.

“You are such a snob.”

“I am not. I just never thought someone like you would go back to school.”

“Someone like me?”

“You don’t need to worry about money, Aine. So why bother?”

“Because I think there’s more to life than shopping?”

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