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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

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“North or south.”


“Roger that.”

They weren’t gone long when Monk got a call from Doc with intel indicating Ava was being tracked.

“What’s up? We were just about to head back,” said Razor when Monk called the man’s cell.

Monk repeated the intel he’d been given.

“Fuck,” Razor spat under his breath. “Shit. It wasn’t my imagination. We need cover, Monk. Someone’s following us. There’s a four-wheeler in the garage.”

“Roger that,” said Monk. “I’ve got your coordinates; I’m on my way.”

He’d just pulled out of the garage when he received another call, this time from one of K19’s on-staff pilots.

“We’ve got drone coverage on Razor and Ava,” Onyx told him.

“Didn’t know you were here.”

“I’ve been on standby with the plane. I got the call to jump in on Ava’s detail right after you did.”

Monk arrived at the beach parking lot at the same time Onyx did in the SUV.

Hang tight, Onyx messaged him.

He sat nearby on the four-wheeler until he saw that Ava and Razor were in the SUV before going back to the house to await further instructions.


Saylor had just made lunch for the girls and sat down for the first time all morning when her cell phone rang. She thought about not answering, but she wasn’t that person. Even if it was from a number she didn’t know, she typically picked up. Razor had warned her that doing so wasn’t smart, but her curiosity always won out.

This time, the call was from a number she recognized.

“Hey, Sis.”

“Hey, Raze. What’s up? Why are you at Dad’s cabin?”

“I need your help with something.”

He asked her to make contact with Monk and gave her a cell number. “Tell him I need two phones. He’ll understand what to do.”

“Roger that,” she joked. “Anything else?”

“I’m not sure how long we’ll be here. We might need some provisions.” Razor rattled off a list.

“On my way,” she said. “Be there as soon as I can.”

She went next door and found her mother out on the deck, watering pots of flowers. “Hey, sweetie.”

“I just got a call from Raze. He needs me to bring some stuff to Dad’s fishing cabin.”

Her mother raised her eyebrows like Saylor had expected her to.

“He’s there with Ava.”

Another eyebrow raise.

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