Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7) - Page 37

“You still get to have sex, though, right?”

Saylor shrugged. “I guess so. If the girls aren’t home.”

“What’s he doing Friday night?”

“Very funny.”

“This is me being serious. I’ll invite the girls over. We’ll repaint the bedroom walls, and you can have a sleepover too.”

“He might be busy.”

“If he’s still busy after you invite him over for sex, dump him. He’s a weirdo.”

“Are you sure?”


“Thanks, Poppy.”

“No problem. You can do something for me too. You can find me one of these hot spy guys of my own.”

“What happened to Portland guy?”

“Haven’t heard a word from him.”

“I’m sorry, Poppy, but to be honest, it would be worse if you got involved with someone who works with my brother.”

Saylor knew that firsthand.

THE NEXT DAY, she walked over to Razor’s, not to see her brother or Ava, but specifically to see Monk. As she approached the house, she saw him sitting out on the deck. He lifted a hand and waved.

“They aren’t here,” he said when she came up the steps.

Saylor smiled. “By they, do you mean my brother and Ava?”

Monk smiled too. “Yes.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m here to see you.”

He leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees. “I like that you’re smiling.”

Saylor pulled one of the deck chairs closer to him and sat down. “I’m here to ask you out on a date.”

Monk sat up. “I accept.”

“What if you have other plans?”

“I’ll change them.”

“Wow, I didn’t even have to offer up sex.”

Monk cocked his head.

“It was a joke that doesn’t seem that funny anymore.”

“Where are the girls now?” he asked.

“Hanging out with Ya-Ya.”

Tags: Heather Slade K19 Security Solutions Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024