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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

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“Back to phase one,” said Razor, again looking at Striker.

“We watch, and we’ll know when to make a move.”

“Roger that.” Razor stood, picked up his computer, and walked over to where Striker was seated. “We’re teaming up on this one,” he said. “But it’s your mission. I’m number two.”

“Who’s on our team?” Striker asked.

“Your call, but for the time being, I say we put everyone on standby. Between the two of us, Monk, and Eighty-eight, we can handle surveillance. If anything changes, it’s easy enough to call in the cavalry.”

“Agreed.” Striker looked at Monk. “You’re number four.”

“Roger that,” he responded.


“I don’t understand. Everyone will be there,” her mother told her over a week later when she came over to ask why Saylor wasn’t going to Cambria for Thanksgiving.

“I’d rather spend a quiet day with the girls instead. I’ve been so busy flying that I feel like I haven’t done that.”


“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I said ‘bullshit.’”

“Mom, I don’t—”

“I’ll tell you what I think.”

“I didn’t ask,” Saylor mumbled


“I’m telling you anyway. You got scared. Monk got too close, and instead of handling it like an adult, you retreated.”

“You’re out of line, Mom.”

“Everyone else may be afraid to call you out, but I’m not. I’ve never spent a holiday away from my grandchildren, and I don’t plan on doing it this year.”

“Then stay here.”

“I have other grandchildren, young lady.”

Saylor hung her head. Her mother was right. About everything. She’d done more than her fair share of soul searching since Monk left the other night, and while she vacillated between beating herself up a little versus a lot, the bottom line was, she was ashamed of the way she’d acted.

“I’m leaving in the morning, and I expect you and the girls to go with me.”

“Okay,” she muttered.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

“I said that the girls and I will go with you.”

“Good.” Her mother turned and stalked out of Saylor’s side of the house. She didn’t remember her mother ever getting as mad at her as she did today. Razor, yes, but not her.

WHEN THEY LANDED the next morning, Saylor received a text from Razor saying there’d be a black SUV waiting outside the airport terminal to transport them from the San Luis Obispo airport to Cambria. He didn’t say who would be driving it.

When they walked into the baggage claim area, she got her answer. Sierra and Savannah saw Monk first and raced over to him. She loved that he knelt down to hug each of them, but his eyes stayed focused on hers.

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