Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7) - Page 76

“Get as much of your gear together as you can from here,” said Doc, motioning to the closet that held enough full tactical gear for the entire team. “I’ll give Merrigan an inventory of whatever else we need while we’re on the road to the airfield. She’ll make arrangements to have it delivered to the plane in Los Angeles,” Doc added.

“You mean planes, right, Doc?” asked Gunner.

“Affirmative. We’ll split into two groups. Striker, who do you want with you?”

“Me,” said Razor.

“And me,” said Monk.

“Gunner, Mercer, and I will be team two,” said Doc.

“What about Ranger and Diesel?” Razor asked Striker, who looked at Doc.

“Let me see what Cope can do. What’s their twenty?” Doc asked Monk.

“Right outside DC.”

“I WANT to run something by you,” Razor said to Monk and Striker once they were on the plane that would take them to Colombia.

“Shoot,” said Striker.

“I have an idea as to why Ghafor is stockpiling weapons for, or who—FARC.”

Striker nodded and Monk agreed. Especially given the tentative peace agreement the Marquez-led Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, aka FARC, that came into effect in 2016 was already falling apart.

The treaty had been historic in that it had taken fifty years to bring the conflict to an end, but the implementation of the accord was beyond optimistic. The government and FARC weren’t the only two entities vying for power in Colombia—the drug cartels had more power than each of the two on their own, but less if they joined forces.

No matter who was involved—politicians, insurgents, or drug barons—corruption was rampant. Not to mention the Islamic fundamentalists who had settled in Buenaventura. The entire country was a ticking time bomb.

“At least we know what we’re dealing with when it comes to FARC, the government, and even the cartels. For me, the big unknown is the Islamics,” said Striker.

“What’s your take on Jimenéz?” Razor asked.

“Don’t trust him,” answered Monk.

“Yeah? What’s your take?”

Monk scrubbed his face with his hand. “Think about it. Jimenéz agrees to meet with Striker; Juan Carlos is killed between the time you leave the States and arrive in Colombia; Ghafor moves the arms, and the peace treaty falls apart.”

“Who do you think is orchestrating this?”

“One of the cartels makes the most sense,” Striker said to Razor.

Monk nodded. “Keep going.”

“Which one has Jimenéz in their pocket?”

“All of them. There are no good guys,” Monk murmured. “We should let ’em annihilate each other.”

“If only,” said Striker. “What about the plane? You think this is a coincidence, Monk?”

“Fuck no. Somebody set us up.”

“Any idea who?”

“How’d you find out the plane was in the air?” Monk asked Razor.

“Jimenéz contacted me.”

Tags: Heather Slade K19 Security Solutions Suspense
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024