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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

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Monk motioned Striker out of the room and followed him. If what the docs and nurses had told him about Onyx being able to hear them talking was true, he didn’t want him hearing what he and Striker were fighting about.

“It isn’t the same—”

“It’s exactly the same. In fact, if anyone should be here day and night, it’s me, not you.”

“It isn’t your call.”

Striker scrubbed his face with his hand. “I know it isn’t, Monk. I’m trying to give you a break. Let me.”

“I didn’t ask for one.”

“Jesus,” Striker mumbled. “How about this? Why don’t you come to the house for Christmas at least, so you don’t spend it alone.”

“You think the man fighting for his life in that room should spend it alone instead?”

“He isn’t alone, Monk. His family is here.”

“Fuck off, Striker.” Monk turned around and went back inside, hoping Striker would take the hint and leave.

EVIDENTLY, he had, because the next people he saw, two hours later, were Tackle and Halo.

He’d known both Landry “Tackle” Sorenson and Knox “Halo” Clarkson since their CIA days. Which, for the two of them, wasn’t that long ago. Both men had suffered broken bones and head injuries when the plane crashed, but none as severe as Onyx’s.

When they were getting ready to leave after being there over an hour, Monk offered to walk them out.

“I’m sure you’ve already briefed Doc about this, but what went down that day?”

Tackle rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “It was a major Charlie Foxtrot, Monk.”

Halo nodded. “I don’t know what went on in the cockpit before that, but when we were almost to Aruba, all hell broke loose.” He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, Monk wished he hadn’t asked either of them to relive such a traumatic event.

“We heard a shot fired and stormed the front of the plane. It all happened so fast. Onyx had taken a direct hit and Corazón was turning her gun our way when I fired,” Halo told him.

Close range for both shots. The one that hit Onyx and the one that hit Corazón. It’s a fucking miracle the man was still alive. Not only had he survived a plane crash, he’d taken a direct hit too.

“By that time, the plane was already taking a dive. I didn’t think there was any way we’d live through it,” Tackle told him.

“I’ll tell you what, every day since we’ve been home, I’ve told as many people as I can that I love them. Even my aunts and uncles, who probably think I’ve lost my mind,” said Halo. “I don’t care. The other thing is, life is too fucking short to not have someone you love by your side. I know that isn’t easy to find, but when I do, I’m gonna make damn sure I don’t waste any time.”

Tackle nodded. “I feel the same way. Any time I find myself thinking I’ll put something off until the next day, I stop and do whatever it is right then. I came too damn close to not having any more next days.”

He’d asked, they hadn’t offered, but it felt as though every word they were saying was meant specifically for Monk to hear, and it ripped him up.

He loved Saylor, there was no doubt in his mind. He wanted to spend his life with her and her two beautiful girls, but he couldn’t ask them to let him. What kind of life would it be with him gone all the time? The girls needed someone who was home every night, who could tuck them into bed, help with their homework, and make their mama smile. Even if he could bring himself to ask to be a permanent part of their lives, how in the hell would that work? What would he do, ask them to move to Washington, DC?

He shook his head at his own thoughts. Until Onyx could walk out of this hospital by his side, Monk wasn’t going anywhere.


“Do you want me to go with?” Razor asked as Saylor was putting on her jacket.

She put her hand on her brother’s cheek. “No, but I appreciate the offer.”

“At least let me drive you. The weather’s shit.”

“There’s no way I’m taking you away from Ava and Sam on Christmas, Razor.”

“We already celebrated. Now we’re just hanging out.”

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