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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

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Monk caught the grin on Onyx’s face that came and went too quickly.

“Don’t fuckin’ know.”

“What’s the rehab setup like?”

“First rate. Better than the damn food.”

“Hear ya there.” Monk stood. “What do you want?”

“Is this how it’s gonna go, Monk? You’re gonna be my nursemaid?”

“You see anybody else here?”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, what do you want to eat?”


Four Months Later

“Thank you so much for helping me set all this up,” said Ava, while Saylor tied ribbons to the last of the balloons for Aine and Striker’s baby shower. “I can’t believe my sister is having twins.”

“They run in the family, don’t they?”

Ava nodded. “I thought they skipped a generation.”

“Guess you were wrong. You aren’t, are you?” Saylor pointed to Ava’s quickly expanding belly.

“You sound like your brother. Although less panicked.”

Saylor laughed.

“How are you?” Ava asked, resting her hand on Saylor’s arm.

“Really good. Busy flying and then reminding Sierra and Savannah that Ya-Ya’s rules only work in her house and, in my house, they have to eat with their mouths closed. I swear if I’d pulled the shit my mother lets them get away with, I would’ve had bruises on the backs of my hands from getting hit with a fork.”

“Really?” Ava’s eyes were as big as saucers.

“I think the threat of the fork was enough for Razor and I to mind our manners.”

“Have you talked to Monk?”

“Nope,” she answered, a little too quickly and definitively.

“What happened between you two? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Nothing. His base is on the East Coast, mine is on the West.”

“Simple as that,” Ava said, raising an eyebrow.

“Leave it alone, Avarie.”

Saylor turned and looked at her brother. It was unlike him to even frown at his wife, let alone be so abrupt with her.

“What’s going on?” she asked when Ava stormed out of the kitchen.

“News about Cliff.”

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