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Monk (K19 Security Solutions 7)

Page 99

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“Hey, girlfriend. How the hell are you?”

“I’m okay. That isn’t true. I’m ready to jump out of my skin. Did you hear Cliff’s out?”


“Yep. Today, I guess. Razor called in the National Guard, but it doesn’t seem to be helping my nerves.”

“Wait. What? He called in the National Guard?”

“The K19 version of it.”

“Does that mean the elusive Monk is back in town?”

“No. Monk is still on the East Coast.”

“I’m sorry, Saylor.”

“I wish people would quit saying that to me. It’s not like Monk Perrin is the last man on earth. Besides, I don’t need a man to complete me, Poppy. I’m doing just fine on my own.”

“You keep telling yourself that.”

“You’re single. Do you feel like less of a person because you haven’t met the man who ‘completes’ you yet?”

“First of all, thank you for adding ‘yet.’ Second, this isn’t about being single or in a relationship. This is about you and Monk. He is the person who completes you. That’s the difference.”

“He doesn’t agree.”

“Same bullshit, Saylor. What you two need is a month on a deserted island where you’d be forced to communicate with each other to survive.”

“He’s moved on; so have I.”

“He has? He’s seeing someone else? I can’t believe it!”

“That isn’t what I meant. I just meant he’s…moved on.”

“Got it. Anyway, enough about the quiet one. My guess is you called to talk about something else.”

“I was wondering if you’d be interested in a road trip this weekend.”

“Get outta Dodge? You know I’m always up for that. Are the doodlebugs coming with us? What about Ya-Ya?”

“You read my mind.”

“Where are we going?”

“I was thinking Manzanita. If it would be okay. We could always stay in a hotel.”

“It’s perfect, actually. My parents are in Europe for a month, and if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be at the beach this early. Still too cold for them even though they’ve lived on the Oregon Coast all their lives. Are we taking two cars?”

“Caravan actually.”


“So, we’ll leave Friday after the girls are out of school?”

“Can’t wait. We need a getaway, even if we’re bringing an entourage with us.”

“Shit.” Saylor looked out the window as she closed the blinds.

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