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Tackle (K19 Security Solutions 9)

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“You look so fucking beautiful,” I said when Sloane stood before me naked. “Come closer.” I motioned with my finger.

I realized as I took my time studying the changes in her body that, sometime in the last few years, she’d become the woman I measured all others by, without my even noticing it.

Her body was the sexiest I’d ever seen. Her boobs were fuller than when I’d last held their weight in my hands, and her tummy was rounder. Overall, she had more meat on her bones.

I thought about the weeks since I’d seen her naked. There was a reason Sloane had walked out on me that day when I sat in the restaurant across the street from her friend’s apartment. She’d been right in her assessment of what I was saying even before I finished speaking. I was pushing her away, letting her know that while I liked her, I wasn’t interested in a relationship. I realized now what utter bullshit that had been.

When I saw chill bumps on her skin, I led her into the bedroom and pulled the comforter and sheet back.

“Under the covers, Sloane.”

She watched with wide eyes while I removed my clothes and got into bed next to her. I pulled her close so her head rested in the crook between my shoulder and chest.



“Is there something wrong?”

“I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”

“You aren’t…you know.”

I shifted so I was facing her and plumped the pillow under her head. “There’s nothing wrong.”

“Then, why aren’t you touching me?”

I smiled when she put my hand on her breast.

“If I recall correctly, it wasn’t that long ago you referred to me as a Neanderthal.”

Sloane put her hand on top of mine and squeezed. “That was your brain, not your body.”

I couldn’t help myself; I laughed. “There are so many things I like about you, Sloane.”

“I could say the same about you.”

“But you won’t?”

The playfulness was gone from her expression. “I don’t want you to be with me just because of the baby.”

I caressed her cheek with the tip of one finger. “I’m sorry I made you think that was the case.”

“Tackle, I…um…”

“Whatever you’re struggling to say, just say it.”

“I want this baby.”

I had no idea what point she was trying to make, since I wouldn’t have expected anything else.

“But I don’t want you to feel like you have to make any commitments right now.”

Rather than respond, I scooted down the bed. I put my hands on either side of her belly, leaned forward, and kissed the slight protrusion. “Hey, little peanut, put in a good word with your mom for me, okay?”

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