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Commit To Violence

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Like a lot of people, Bo thought that when Freeze was killed that Black would tap him to takeover. And like Kenny, Bo was one of the people that thought Nick was responsible for Freeze’s death.

Bo ordered a round of drinks and Kenny ordered the next two. After awhile the subject turned, as it usually did when Bo was around, to Nick.

"That and the fact that I don’t think the mutha fucka is up to the job. Too busy chasin’ that young pussy around to be about his job," Bo said and turned up his drink. He signed to the bartender to bring them another round.

"Sounds like you want some of that young pussy," Kenny said and finished his drink.

"The bitch got body, but all I’m sayin’ is Freeze never let ho’s get in the way of business."

The bartender poured another round. "True." Kenny held up his glass. "But them days you talkin’ about is gone. Freeze is dead. Black and Bobby are businessmen. So whether you and me think that Nick was careless and should have taken Mylo’s gun, that nigga runs this shit now."

"Well, maybe I ain’t all that satisfied with Nick’s leadership."

"And I guess you think you could do a better job?"

"I know I can."

Kenny took a sip of his drink and shook his head. "So why don’t you kill Nick and step up," he said and laughed a little.

"Maybe I will. When the time is right," Bo said and put down his glass. He turned and looked at Kenny. "When that happens I need to know where you stand."

Kenny laughed. "I don’t even know why I

bother to fuck with you, Bo," he said and started to get up. "What you gonna do when Black comes after you?"

"If Black don’t see that Nick had to go, then maybe Black gotta die too."

"You are crazy," Kenny said and got up from the bar.

On his way out of the club, Kenny ran into Cruz Villanueva. He was the nephew of Hector Villanueva, whom Black had dealt with many times. Black had known Hector since the old days when they both worked for André Harmon. Black did Hector a favor that cost Black money, but allowed Hector to buy cheaper and better quality product—a favor that put Hector in the position of power. His move to Miami only made that position stronger—a favor that Black called in when Shy needed to buy cheaper and better quality product from Hector.

"When I met you, we discussed a business arrangement," Shy said to Hector that day in Miami. "I wanted to know if the offer was still good."

Hector paused for a minute and looked at Shy. "You know I used to live and do business in New York. I still have many friends and many business associates there. Some have told me about the problems you are having. In fact, they tell me that just last night you took another loss. Is this true?"

"Yes. But I am moving to correct that situation," Shy said quickly.

"Shy, it hurts me deeply to tell you this, but I must retract my offer."


"You’re not a good risk at this time. Please under-stand, once you have settled these matters I would have no problem extending the offer," Hector said.

"Just like that?"

"Well of course you can always do it all on the front end."

"I can’t do that."

"Yes, I know, due to your problems. Of course, if Black were to guarantee your investment that would eliminate all of my objections."

"Hector, you better than most know. As a matter of principle, I will not do that," Black said. "And you insult me by mentioning it."

"My apologies, Black," Hector said bitterly. "Once again, Shy, I’m sorry we can not work together."

When Black saw the disappointed look on Shy’s face, he knew that he had to do something. "Well, Hector, I do have a better idea." Shy and Hector both looked at Black.

"I’m listening," Hector said.

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