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Archaic (Reverse Harem 2)

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“That your arm turned into a claw?” I chuckle. “Yeah, I saw.”

“Pretty fucking sweet if you ask me,” she says. “But maybe we should keep that between you and me.”

“You got it,” I reply, looking down at the dead guy on the floor.

We search the house but come up empty for additional clues.

“Well, it looks like our lead was a dead end, so why don’t we go grab some food,” I say.

“Mmmm, that sounds perfect.” She smiles.

I put out my arm and sigh as she hooks hers in, and we walk back out the front door, closing it behind us. I smile, thinking about how much Sebastian would be proud of me for taking out a cat. The guy just couldn’t let that feud go. We walk back down the driveway and out to the car, me sliding into the driver’s seat and her into the passenger side. She looks over at me.

“Where to?” she asks.

“There’s a town back by the airport. There should be a restaurant there,” I reply, pulling off the side of the road and turning around in the street.

She nods, and we make our way quietly to the town, finding a diner-type place in the center of a very small town that I would more describe as a village. I park and get out, going around and helping her out. She is still staring at her arm and hand, nodding in awe at what she had done. I smile, shaking my head and walking inside with her. Maybe now we can enjoy the scenery a bit more.

I DRIVE BACK OUT OF the town after running into one of the small shops and buying a couple of blankets. She looks over at me in confusion, but I smile, wanting her to forget about being her for a little while and enjoy the time she has left in Norway. I pull off the road and stop the car, getting out and walking around to her door. I open it up and take her hand, chuckling at her curiosity.

“Where are we?” she asks.

“A beautiful place to see the stars,” I reply. “I have heard Norway has some of the most beautiful showings of the sky at night.”

“Nice,” she says as we step down into the pasture and spread out the blankets.

I sit down, and she sits next to me, crossing her legs at the ankle and leaning back, looking up at the stars. She is quiet, lost in the view, and I can’t keep my eyes off of her. After a few minutes, though, I can smell her sadness, so I gently touch her arm.

“Are you alright?” I ask.

“Kyle was my best friend, and now he isn’t here,” she says, choking back tears. “He promised to be here, during our wedding vows, he promised to protect me, but he is gone, and I feel like a half of a person.”

Tears spring from her eyes, and she begins to cry, sobs coming from her lips. I frown, feeling terrible for her, reaching my arms around her shoulder and hugging her tightly. She doesn’t speak, just sits there sobbing, her body shaking from the pain. I want to numb it, stop it, do anything, and as she lifts her head to look at me, I take the chance, pressing my lips hard to hers, feeling the rush of her beauty.

Chapter 12

~ Clarissa

He is kissing me, Theo , my bear, is sitting on a blanket under the stars and kissing me passionately. I know I should pull away.

I know I should stop what I am doing, but I can’t. It is like a fire burning inside of me. Maybe it is the time we spent together. Maybe it is the connection we have to the world around us. Feeling him close to me, trapping me inside the bubble of heat that surrounds him, is intoxicating and arousing at the same time. I have not even taken the time to realize that I need that touch, that I miss that closeness, that connection to another human being.

Theo is always so gentle with me, so careful not to break me, and this is no exception. His big hard muscles wrap around me like I am no bigger than a blade of grass. His mouth is warm and inviting, and I can taste the whiskey from dinner on his lips. He reaches his hands up and smooths the hair down on either side of my head, holding it firmly in his hands as his tongue begins to move gently across my lips. I gasp lightly, giving in to his taste, opening my mouth and feeling him lap at me, roll his tongue through my mouth, intertwining with my own. Sparks fly right then and there and my senses peak, catching none of the cold night air, falling deeper and deeper into his arms.

Slowly he pulls me down on the blanket, our bodies facing each other, our legs intertwining as our lips refuse to part. He opens his eyes and stares deep into mine for a moment before growling quietly in the pit of his stomach. The sound is music to my ears, lifting every hair on my body, stirring my frozen soul. I feel his heart beating in his big wide chest as I scoot closer, pressing my heaving breasts against him. His hand slips around and grasps my back, his head tilting to the side as his kiss grows stronger and more passionate. He turns over on his back, pulling me over on top of him, running his hands to the curve of my back, his fingertips pressing firmly into my wool jacket.

I spread my legs apart and sit up on top of him, straddling his big body. He stares up at me with his deep chestnut eyes, flashes of his bear milling around beneath the surface. I have never slept with a primal, at least not that I know of, and I wonder to myself if they let their animal instincts take over when they make love. He blinks away the haze as I reach down, grabbing for the buttons on his shirt. He carefully reaches up and folds his hand over mine, stopping me.

“Are you sure about this?” he asks.

“Shhhh,” I whisper. “This is too beautiful to ruin.”

He smiles, nodding his head as I slowly unbutton his large flannel shirt. I push the sides apart and run my hands over that

large bare chest, feeling the softness of his skin. He groans, closing his eyes, taking in every inch of my touch. I openly stare down at him with a smirk as his eyes open, his focus trailing down my fingers, slowly pulling my coat open and slipping it down off my shoulders. I have every expectation to feel the cold, but I don’t. It is like making love next to a fireplace, the heat radiating through me.

He licks his lips staring at me as I carefully unbutton my top and pull it down my arms, my breasts heaving in my bra. He reaches up and runs the tips of his fingers over my skin, warming me everywhere his fingers graze. My hand slides back behind me as I unlatch the clasp, allowing the bra to fall forward with the force of my breasts, pulling it off and laying it to the side. He wraps his huge hands around my breasts, as I feel his girth below me. He growls again, this time reaching up and turning me over on the blanket next to him, his body moving to his knees, his cock bulging inside of his pants.

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