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Out of Character (True Colors 2)

Page 18

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“It’s called compassion, Milo. Might be unfamiliar to you.” Jasper laughed like he was making some big joke, but I didn’t join in. Jasper didn’t know shit about what I’d been through the past few years.

All of a sudden, I’d had enough of this stupid costume. I pulled off the crown and shoved it in the costume bag. “That’s not fair.”

Jasper simply gave me another long look. And okay, I got where his sarcasm was coming from. I didn’t like it, but I got it. I’d been an asshole to him in high school, hadn’t stuck by him, hadn’t stood up for him when I knew good and well that I should have. It was easier to see what a jerk I’d been, especially now that I was trying to shake free of that world.

“I tried to apologize the other night. And I probably suck at apologies, but can we maybe not relitigate my past sins every five minutes?” Maybe text message wasn’t the best medium for a grand apology. I didn’t know because I hadn’t tried to make that many before. But somehow Jasper made me want to try to be something more. “I’m not that person anymore.”

Jasper gave a heavy sigh as he resumed putting the last of the decks away and zipping up the bags. “That remains to be seen. However, you did do a good job of making Chase smile.”

“I tried.”

“I believe you.” Jasper’s tone was less biting now.

And maybe he didn’t believe my apology, but at least he believed that I’d been sincere with the kids, and that mattered. Some of the tightness in my chest loosened. “Thanks.”

His smile also took on a warmer cast. “And now I can make good on my promise to help you.”

“Here?” There were still some families in the lounge area, although Jasper’s other friends had already headed out. His mom had come for his sister, and she’d had a hard stare of her own for me, which I supposed was understandable, all things considered. God only knew what she’d heard via the mom gossip network on top of the shit I’d actually done.

“No, not here. They have a movie night coming in next. Let’s go to the cafeteria. The Wi-Fi is pretty strong there.”

“Dressed like this?” I looked down at my toga. The administration people who had stopped by had been pretty chill, but I wasn’t exactly dressed for the coffee bar. The idea of more speculative looks made my back sweat.

Jasper shrugged because of course he had no such issues. “I don’t mind. I like making people smile.”

“You’re good at that.”

“Why, thank you.” Fully in character for a second, Jasper gave me a courtly bow and a wink. Then he straightened, regular Jasper again. “And if you want to change, we can do that.”

“Yeah, I’m a little chilly.” More like I was still slightly embarrassed, but I didn’t want a lecture.

“Okay, okay. Back to civvies.” Jasper led the way to the public restroom near the elevators.

“Ha. You sound like Bruno.” I laughed, but inside, I tensed up at the reminder of why I was even here. Bruno had the military-speak down, along with that take-charge attitude. He was the better person for sure, and knowing how badly I’d let him down weighed on me, made my movements slower as I changed clothes.

Jasper was done first and was waiting on me when I emerged from the stall. He was back to a hooded sweatshirt and faded jeans, average college-student wear, but I could still see traces of the Frog Wizard in him. The regal posture. The knowing smile. The light, confident movements as he headed to the cafeteria. He always had a bounce to his step, that extra bit of energy that others lacked.

The cafeteria had a number of food stations including a coffee bar. And damn, I was tired. And thirsty.

“Do you want a drink?” I asked as Jasper pulled a sleek laptop out of his backpack. “I can get us something while you get booted up.”

“Thanks. Yes, actually. Soda. M—”

“Mountain Dew. I remember.” He’d always had such a sweet tooth and a thing for the junk food his mom seldom stocked.

He met my gaze, and years of history passed between us. Sodas and sleepovers and secrets. “Appreciate it.”

I retrieved a bottle of soda for him because he always liked bottles more than fountain drinks and an espresso for myself. Taking the seat next to Jasper, I moved the chair so I could see the screen too. This put me close enough to smell him again, and our sleeves brushed. My body took way too much of an interest in his nearness, but I also couldn’t move away without looking like a dick.

“You drink coffee?” Jasper raised an eyebrow as I slid him his soda.

“I got into bullet-proof coffee at college because some of the guys I trained with swore by it. And I had an early-morning PT appointment on the other side of town. I need some caffeine, but unlike you, I can’t handle all that sugar anymore.”

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