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Out of Character (True Colors 2)

Page 40

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“There’s a new place near the university. Hipster vibe. Lots of California-type flavor combos. If I’m running you home anyway, maybe we could split a pie first?”

“Uh…” Was he asking me out? And if so, how did I feel about that? Also, what if we ran into some of his fancy college friends? The questions racing through my brain must have taken longer than a split second because Jasper frowned.

“Never mind. Forgot you need to keep our…association on the down low.”

“I don’t,” I said quickly because somehow I knew this chance might never come again. I’d made that mistake once before, and no way was I doing it again. “We can go. The pause was me doing mental math. You know how it goes.”

It was a little white lie, and not that far from the truth because there was always more week than cash lately.

“Oh, that I can relate to. I get paid Friday and it was my idea. I’ll treat you.”

Now that was even closer to a date. But I’d kind of backed myself into a corner. “Okay, but next time’s on me.”

“It’s a plan.” Jasper’s smile was worth any nervousness on my part. And I’d pretty much sealed the deal on not one but two outings. He marched toward the exit with purposeful strides. “Come on. Let’s find my car. You’ve seen it before, right? Don’t go expecting too much.”

“What? You think I’m some sort of car snob?” I faked offense, letting his answering laugh warm me even as the chilly air greeted us outside.

“Ha. Not only is mine tiny, old, and in dubious repair, but it’s also messy.” Jasper headed to the parking garage at a fast clip, then slowed, glancing down at my leg. “Oops. Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I hated slowing him down, but there was also no denying that my earlier trot from the bus stop already had the surgically repaired leg aching. “And no surprises there on you being messy.”

“Yeah, much to my mom’s frustration, I never did figure out the whole clean-as-you-go philosophy of hers.” Jasper stopped by a little compact that had probably started life white but was now dingy and dusty with more dents than I could count and an assortment of bumper stickers.

I didn’t miss the two with little rainbows on them, but I wasn’t repeating my earlier mistake and making him think I was uncomfortable to be seen with someone who was proudly out. Forcing my eyes away from the bumper stickers, I slipped into the passenger seat as soon as he unlocked the door, moving aside an assortment of soda bottles, textbooks, and gaming supplies. I hefted my bag onto my lap while he stowed his collection of stuff in the back seat.

“You want to put your bag back here?”

“Nah. I’m okay. I’m used to more cramped spaces on the bus.” My pulse sped up as I remembered what I’d finished up while waiting for the bus. I wasn’t ready to have Jasper poring over my sketchbooks, but I’d done something specifically to show him. As he got in the driver’s seat, I opened my bag. “You still want to see one of my drawings?”

Jasper’s eyes went wide and bright. “Totally. Did any of my picture spam inspire you?”

“Sort of. I’ve been working on this one. I tried Neptune all sexy, but that was just weird—”

“I’d still like to see that.” Jasper winked.

“Not now.” It was hard enough getting up the courage to show him this one thing. I held out the page I’d already removed from the sketchbook. “So, this is kinda crap, but it’s my version of Neptune as a Disney prince.”

“Oh. My. God.” Jasper did a fake swoon, which was pretty fucking gratifying, even as my heart still pounded. “This is incredible. I had no idea you’d kept working on your art and become this good. Have you been in shows? Were you an art major?”

“Slow down.” I gave a shaky laugh. “Like this right here? This is the first I’ve shown something to someone since my dad had opinions on why I wanted to take art instead of shop in high school.”

“Uh, because you’re good at it? Seriously, you’re way too good at this not to show it off.”

“Feels weird,” I admitted. “And I’m not that good. Watching some tutorial videos isn’t the same as being art-major talented. It’s just something I do when I’ve got restless energy.”

“Well, I disagree. Keep doing it.” Jasper nodded like he’d made a royal proclamation as he turned on the car. “And maybe some time you’ll let me see more?”

“Maybe.” After I purged all my doodles of him from my sketchbooks, perhaps then I could find the courage to show him more. He did seem to like it at least and wasn’t actively laughing at me.

We headed back downtown toward the university and the little shops that lined the streets closest to campus. Jasper drove like zombies were chasing us.

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