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Out of Character (True Colors 2)

Page 54

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“We’re not getting up right now, are we?” He was still chuckling as his mouth found mine for a lengthy kiss.

“Probably not.” I rolled so that we were face-to-face, me mostly on top of him. I loved how easily he went to his back. He might be bigger, but he had no issues letting me take charge, which was sexy as hell. “Complaining?”

“Never.” Stretching, he wiggled so he was more directly under me, our torsos aligned, and electricity sparking everywhere our skin touched. “After all, I’m the one who has a lot of lost time to make up for.”

He laughed, but his words pricked against my otherwise happy bubble. I hated that I cared, hated that it bugged me that I was strung out on hoping he was changing while maybe he was just looking to get lucky for the first time.

“Is that what this is?” I meant to try for casual, but my voice came out too sharp. Damn it. “Trying things you missed out on?”

“No.” Eyes solemn, he reached up to kiss the tip of my nose. “I didn’t mean the still-a-virgin sex thing. I meant lost time with you, specifically. Missing out on that.”

And just like that, my happiness bubble repaired itself. He was getting damn good at saying exactly what I needed to hear.

“You really missed me?”

“Yeah,” he said softly, stretching for another kiss, and this time I met his questing lips. There was something magic in how a single kiss could make me all warm and light. “And maybe I didn’t even realize how much until I saw you again. Like, really saw you.”

“I am cute.” I had to joke or else the rising tide of emotions was going to pull me under. Sweet Milo might be even harder to handle than Sad Milo.

“And smart. And a good guy. A really, really good guy.” Milo punctuated each of his comments with another kiss.

“Even though I didn’t sleep on the chair?”

“Especially since you didn’t sleep on the chair.”

And then as simple as that we were back to kissing, more purposeful now, until we were both breathless and definitely, positively not leaving bed anytime soon.

“Jasper.” Milo breathed my name like I truly was the answer he’d been seeking. And his eyes were glassy, but when his gaze met mine, I felt seen in a way I wasn’t sure I’d ever been before. Maybe there was something to what he’d said about seeing me for the first time because I certainly felt like I was seeing him in a whole new light these days too.

Inspired by his comment on missing out on things, I slithered down his delicious body. He hadn’t been lying about the tattoo—it was a tiny one, an Italian flag, right above his hip bone. Lost a dare, he’d said. Sexy, I’d said, right before I’d kissed it. I did it again.

“What are you…” He half chuckled and half groaned as I painted his torso with kisses, inching lower. Finally reaching my destination, I took him in my mouth, teasing and showing off my collection of tricks.

“Oh…do that again. You’re…incredible. That.” I loved how damn responsive and appreciative he was. In fact, while I’d done this before, I’d never done it with someone so unabashedly grateful.

“Like that?” I asked before redoubling my efforts.

“Yes. Please… So good… That’s…it. Please.” A steady stream of wonder and praise escaped Milo’s lips before he buried his face in one of my pillows to muffle his moans. Being able to coax that sort of response from him was my new favorite thing, and more than enough to have me tumbling over the edge with him a few moments later. I rested my head on his firm stomach for several long minutes, luxuriating in the way he idly stroked my hair as we both worked to reclaim our breaths.

“Okay. Wow. That was…” Milo gave me a dopey grin. “Are you gonna chuck a pillow at me if I say I’m not sure how I lived without experiencing that?”

“I am pretty good.” I pretended to gloat as I finally left bed to search out another towel and some clothes. “Was it worth skipping coffee?”

“Oh, we’re not skipping coffee. I owe you a doughnut. You pull up the GPS app and start deciphering clues, and I’ll worry about food for us.” Milo sat up in the bed, covers pooling in his lap. And damn, I could write an ode to his broad, sculpted chest that would make my English lit professor impressed.

“I’ll walk with you. No sense in you doing the stairs twice.” I sped up getting dressed as Milo climbed out of bed.

“Quit worrying about my leg.”

“Can’t help it. I inherited my mom’s genes. It’s what I do. I worry over all my friends.” Now that I didn’t have Milo warming me up, I shivered in the chilly air as I yanked on a shirt. I needed spring to hurry up.

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