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Out of Character (True Colors 2)

Page 104

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“Milo, who’s your friend?” one of the many aunts asked as soon as we entered the kitchen, which was narrow with a little eating nook on one end.

“This is my boyfriend, Jasper.” Milo turned bright red, and his hand shook as he grabbed mine, but I’d never been so proud of him as I was right then.

“Nice.” She hugged Milo and shook my hand. “Make sure you feed him some of my ziti. He looks too skinny.”

And that was that. She pushed Milo in the direction of the loaded-down food table before grabbing a glass of wine and heading back to the living room.

“Wow. Your mom expecting even more people?” I hadn’t seen this much food in one place since the holidays at my parents’ house.

“Nah. It’s how Mom rolls. She wanted to have all Bruno’s favorites here, and then the aunts can’t come empty-handed and they try to outdo one another.”

“My family’s the same way.” I laughed as I remembered another text that had been on my phone. “By the way, Mom says she’s making chili for Wednesday after cosplay.”

“I’m invited?” Milo was cute when he was surprised, and I couldn’t resist jostling him with my shoulder.

“I think she’s figured out that we’re a package deal now.”

“We are.” He smiled at me, a special, private one that had my toes curling in my sneakers. I was trying to figure out whether I could get away with a kiss when he pointed at the table. “There’s cake. Do you remember Bruno’s high school graduation? When we made ourselves sick on the chocolate cake? This one is from that bakery.”

I groaned. “As if I could forget. I think I’ll stick to a cookie.”

“And a soda. She got your brand.” Milo handed me one from a cooler on the floor.

“I’ll thank—”

“Hey.” All of a sudden, we weren’t alone in the dining nook and Bruno was right there, regarding us both intently. He was in jeans and a NAVY sweatshirt, but he didn’t need to be in camo to exude badass warrior vibes.

“Hey.” Milo nodded stiffly at him.

“Just got an interesting text. This your stuff?” Bruno held up a shiny phone opened to a social media app with Milo’s drawing on it. “Figured there’s not too many other Milo Lionettis out there…”

“Uh…” Milo turned bright pink.

“He’s brilliant.” I dared Bruno to disagree with me. “Parents were lined up on our last hospital visit to get him to draw their kids too.”

“That’s pretty cool.” Bruno’s tone was careful, like he was on a tightrope over some alligators. “It’s good of you to do that for the sick kids.”

“They do as much for us.” Milo sounded exactly like I always did. He finally understood why I kept going back, week after week.

“I bet.” Bruno nodded again, then flicked his gaze my direction. “So…this is the boyfriend?”

“Yup.” Milo managed to sound both defiant and proud. I loved him. I might not be able to say it yet, but I loved him so much in that moment.

“Jasper, man.” Bruno extended a hand to me. “You went and grew up.”

“So did Milo.” I regarded him coolly as I returned the handshake. I wasn’t letting either him or their mom off the hook that easily. And Milo had been doing a ton of work the last few weeks, and he deserved credit for that.

“So he did.” Bruno and Milo exchanged a long glance. “So, Bro, this…art thing. You gonna do something with that?”

“Maybe. I’ve been looking at classes.” Milo sounded way more tentative than the guy who’d lain awake with me two nights ago, dreaming out loud and spinning a future for both of us.

“He’s too talented not to pursue it.” I stared hard at Bruno. If he dared to crush Milo’s burgeoning dreams, he’d answer to me, badass warrior or not.

But all he did was roll his neck like he’d been thinking hard. “Good. You should. I want you to use the money for that. Go back to school. Make me proud.”

“I’ll try.” Milo’s voice was thick.

“You’ll do it. You’re a Lionetti. We don’t quit.” He cuffed Milo on the upper arm.

“Yeah.” Giving him a tentative smile, Milo asked quietly, “You sure I still am?”

I hated that he had to ask and I glared at Bruno.

“Still my brother? Yeah. I’m sure. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I’m sorry if I was a dick last night.”

“I put a lot out there all at once—”

“You did. You really did.” Bruno’s self-effacing laugh was identical to the one Milo did when nervous. “But that took guts. I can respect you for telling me even if it made my head spin with everything all at once.”

“Sorry.” Milo looked down at the tile floor.

“Don’t be sorry. We’re family.” Bruno pulled him into a tight hug that made me fear for Milo’s ribs before he thumped Milo’s back. “How about next time, though, you try talking to me? About everything?”

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