Rocky Waters (Lovers Lake) - Page 16

“That prick. I’ll beat his face in,” I snarl, gearing up for a fight. The bastard has it coming, and he better hope I never see him again.

“Now, please calm down,” Darcy says, pressing her hand on my forearm.

“Who is this Warrick guy to you, anyway?” Georgie asks.

“He’s the guy I was modeling with when we met up with a wild animal in the woods, but Warrick was afraid of the alpha beast and knew when to run.”

“Oh goodness. You were so lucky.”

“She’s talking about him, you big dummy,” Lydia tells Georgie.

“I stand by my words. You were fortunate. Now are we going to be properly introduced or are you going to keep our future brother-in-law a secret?” Georgie asks, licking her lips and then wags her brows.

“Wait. We’re just…we’re not…”

“I’m Bennett Lake. Although many around here call me Rocky.”

Georgie’s mouth falls open and then she says, “Wait. The Bennett Lake. Like the author guy? No wonder she let you have her cookie. That girl has a mad crush on you, and I can’t say I blame her. Get it, girl. Do you have a brother?” She gives me a wink.

“No,” a growl comes from Sean who walks into the house uninvited.

“Welcome, Sean. Why are you here?” I glare at him.

“Because the media is looking for you. There’s rumor out that you kidnapped and raped a woman. I know it’s bullshit because you’re a fucking celibate hermit, but it’s my job to make sure the rumors aren’t spread around.”

“Hi. You’re only half right. He did carry me away, but I came very willingly and repeatedly. I’m Darcy by the way.” She sticks out her hand and I snatch it right back. I don’t want her touching any of these assholes.

“Where’s my dog?” I ask.

“At the ranch. I rushed over here before the shit hits the fan.”

“You know that’s a really gross expression,” Georgie ponders. And that’s when I notice that Sean hasn’t taken his eyes away from her since he walked in.

“Hello, beautiful. I’m Sean and you are?” Wow, laying it on thick. I’ve never seen him in action, but I doubt it’s gonna work from the look on her face.

She doesn’t take his extended hand. Instead, she sighs, “Tired and hungry.”

“Then I’ll get you what you need, beautiful.”

“Do you not know any other adjectives?” I think I like Darcy’s sister.

“I’ll call you whatever you like, little girl as soon as you tell me your name.”

“It’s Georgiana, but we call her Georgie,” Darcy says, ignoring her sister’s glare.

“That’s cute. You’re definitely a Georgie.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing, sweet thing. I need to speak with this fool here. Don’t go anywhere cause trust me…I’ll find you.”

“Whatever.” As soon as Sean turns from her I don’t miss the covered mouth of shock and excitement she’s feeling. She’s gonna give him shit for coming on too strong, but she doesn’t seem to mind it.

“Come on, let’s talk.” I pull Darcy to me, tip her chin upward with my thumb, and kiss her gently “Tell me you’re not going anywhere.”

“I’m right where I want to be.” She’s a tough one too, but the second my hands are on her that attitude seems to dissolve.

I lean in and whisper into her ear, “That’s fucking good because you see how good I can hunt.” She shivers, her hips roll forward and graze my cock. I’m starting something I can’t finish at the moment. “Later,” I promise before forcing myself to pull away.

I lead Sean into my office that I hardly ever use. “Okay. What’s going on and how are you going to handle it?” I ask him.

“First. I’ll be taking some quick photos of you two because it’s clear as fucking day that he embellished the story to suit his needs. I’m going to put our lawyers out for defamation and then I’m going to carry that smart mouth fiery woman out of this house and take her back home…to my home.”

“Smart. I find it works really, really well.” He nods as if making a mental note.

“By the way, I’m going to take Darcy into town for a nice dinner. How about we all go together and make a show of it for the press?”

“Great. Sounds really fucking great to me.” He rubs his hands together enthusiastically.

“Let’s go tell them so Darcy and I can get ready.”

“Cool. I need to go check on my woman anyway.” I crack up laughing as we walk out to them. When I look for Darcy, I see everyone staring at me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, stopping in my tracks.

“Try not being all sexy in front of the women will you?” Darcy barks out, marching toward me. She’s so fucking cute I want to carry her back to our bedroom right now.

“Well, baby, I’m about to take you out to dinner and wanted to know if they wanted to tag along, but if you want to ditch them that’s cool too.” They all break out into protest, making me laugh harder. Damn I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard fucking ever.

Tags: C.M. Steele Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024