Daughters of Olympus (Reverse Harem Romances) - Page 18

“It was her,” Eric says. “She was the reason for us losing our bearings, the reason we came to this spot, the reason the storm raged.”

“How do you know that?” Kai asks, jutting out his chin. “One woman doing all that?”

“She wasn’t just a woman though, was she?” I say.

Our eyes meet to acknowledge the truth.

She wasn’t.

We must find her; otherwise what kind of storm are we going to be caught in next?



After telling Chloe everything, she basically stares at me like I’m Medusa.

“Say something,” I urge. We’re lying on my bed in the basement and instead of talking, she reaches for my hand and presses it to her belly.

“She’s kicking,” Chloe says softly.

“That’s a miracle,” I say. “But--”

“No buts,” Chloe says, sitting up. “My point is, whatever happened to you is a miracle too.”

“Okay, you realize how crazy that sounds? Losing my virginity isn’t a miracle.”

“Sure, having sex with four hunky sailors isn’t a miracle. But swimming for miles, breathing underwater, talking to a shape-shifting seal? Harlow, that’s basically the definition of miracle.”

I squeeze my eyes closed. “You’re right. It is. But, Chloe, why me?”

“Why not?”

“Shouldn’t you be freaking out right now, calling your BFF a liar? Why do you even believe this insane story?”

She twists her lips. “Take off your sweats.”

“What?” I scowl.

“I mean it. I want to see your legs. You said they sparkled. If your story is true, they should still be all glittery.”

I stand from the bed, suddenly scared that I made it all up. That when I take off my sweats my legs will be nothing but sun-kissed.

Which would mean I am crazy.

I undo the knot on the tee-shirt, so the hem hits me mid-thigh. Then slip off my pants.

Chloe gasps. “Holy shit.”

I look down. My legs shimmer, all the way from my toes to my-- I turn from Harlow and open my dresser drawer, pulling out a pair of panties, and putting them on. Then I lift my shirt to my belly button.

“Your tattoo,” Chloe whispers. “It’s ...”

“I know.” We both stare at it, the golden outline, the green shading, it doesn’t look like a tattoo anymore. It looks like a glowing brand on my leg.

“Does it hurt?”

I shake my head. “No, but I don’t understand what’s happening.” I sit on my bed, finally letting my emotions free. Sobs wrack my body and I try to calm down, but I can’t. Beside me, Chloe runs her hand in a circle on my back.

“Shhh, sweetie. It’s okay. Whatever you are... Whatever this is...you are still you.”

I shake my head. “Don’t you see? I’ve never known who I am. And now it’s more confusing than ever.” I sniffle a cry, wiping my eyes.

She shakes her head. “Harlow, before I met the fathers of my child, I didn’t understand who I was either. I spent my life ashamed of my past, embarrassed by my story. I know you carry the pain of being abandoned as a baby, but I understand because that happened to me, too.”

I nod, knowing Chloe was in foster care for most of her life.

“And the thing is, Harlow, I’m not scared of you, or for you. I’m happy more than anything, that you’re finally getting answers.”

I snort. “Answers? Chloe, I’m further from answers than I’ve ever been.”

“That’s just not true,” she says. “Look at you, you’re changing--literally. It might not be the answer you expected, but this is happening for a reason. You can’t hide from that now just because this part is scary.”

I shake my head, incredulous. “You think I should just go back to the ocean and swim until I find some magical form of clarity?”

Chloe sighs. “I think things happen for a reason. Maybe relax and trust that everything will work out perfectly.”

“Perfectly?” I roll my eyes. “I know you have the picture-perfect life, Chloe, but I think you’ve lost your footing in reality.”

Instead of pushing back in offense, she just smiles. “You’re wrong. Perfectly might not mean what you think perfect is but this will all play out how it is supposed to.”

“And you just trust in that, impossible as it sounds?”

“What’s the alternative?” Chloe smiles, placing her palms on her belly. “Stressing out constantly? Worry and second guess everything? That’s no way to live.”

I exhale, staring at my legs. “So, what’s next?”

Chloe shakes her head and laughs. “You’re the one who wants to be more badass. I’m not giving you any answers.”

“Fair enough.” I stand from my bed and look in my full-length mirror. “I really need a shower.”

“Yep. And we have a dinner date, remember?”

I nod. “Has to be early because I have a sunset cruise at seven.”

“Okay, then go shower, and let’s rally at five at the Maui Brewery, okay?”

“Sounds good.” I give her a smile. “And maybe I’ll wear a maxi dress to cover this leg situation.”

Tags: Frankie Love Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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