Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family 2) - Page 18

“Do you have a plan? I know you said you’re taking this week off from work. To do what?” he asked.

“I was just thinking about that,” she murmured, not quite ready to share her dreams and fears with anyone. “And I’m unsure.”

He nodded. “Then let’s tackle something simpler. How about dinner? Want to go out or order in?”

She knew the answer without having to think. “Order in. I’m not ready to face the world.” She’d seen the gossipy mentions of her situation online and hated it.

“You got it, princess.”

She liked the nickname he’d given her, not for the name itself but the fact that he was using one.

They agreed on Chinese food, and her clothing came while they were waiting for the delivery. She hung everything in her closet, planning to try things on and get back to the stylist in the morning. At least now she had seasonal clothing to wear.

She joined Beck in the kitchen, and they shared a meal of delicious General Tso’s chicken, fried rice, pork dumplings, and she had an egg roll, her favorite part of any Chinese dinner.

Feeling full, she turned to him. “Are you finished?”

He nodded. “Totally full.” He grabbed his plate and she shook her head.

“I’ve got it. I need to earn my keep,” she said, only partly joking, as she rose to her feet.

His frown was as sexy as his smile. “I offered you a place to stay. You don’t have to earn anything.”

“Well, then just let me help.” She picked up his plate and hers and walked over to the sink.

After rinsing them off and putting everything in the dishwasher, she turned to find him placing the leftovers in the fridge. One container was still left on the table.

She grabbed it and came up behind him. “Here’s the last one.” Reaching around him, she placed the box on a shelf at the same time he turned her way, bumping into her.

His hand snaked out and grasped her waist, and they were face-to-face, their bodies in close contact. Heat erupted between them despite the chill of the refrigerator.

Her lips parted and she said the first thing that came to mind. “Thank you for being here for me.” Which sounded much better than Oh my God, you’re so hot.

He raised his hand, brushed her hair off her face, and cupped her cheek. “You’re welcome.”

She lifted onto her toes, intending to press her lips to his jaw. A little thank-you. Instead he turned his head and her lips met his.

She hadn’t meant to kiss him, but with the firm touch of his mouth on hers, she couldn’t bring herself to move away. Neither did he, and what began as an accident quickly accelerated into something more. Something intense, unexpected, and wholly new, and at the touch of their tongues, sparks ignited.

Beck’s hand came to rest on the back of her neck, gripping her possessively and holding her in place while he kissed her for all he was worth. Enjoying every moment, she slid her hands through his hair and pressed herself against his hard body.

He groaned and delved deeper into her mouth. She wasn’t sure how long they stood entangled in each other, but she was aware of two things. She’d never been kissed like this before, and she wanted more. More of the rising desire inside her and more of Beck.

Without warning, he braced his hands on her shoulders and broke their connection. “Chloe, no. This is wrong.”

She blinked in surprise. Cold, refrigerated air replaced his warmth, and the recognition of another rejection rushed through her. “You’re right. This was a mistake.” Wrapping her arms around herself, she stepped back.

He followed and closed the refrigerator door, obviously taking a moment before turning back to face her. It hadn’t been enough time for her to pull herself together and fake being unaffected by his brush-off. It didn’t matter. Considering she’d not only instigated the kiss but was a guest in his home, she owed him an apology.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I only meant it as a thank-you, but you turned your head and…” She trailed off, not wanting to rehash her embarrassment. “You’ve been kind, and if I made things awkward and you want me to leave, just say so.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” he said in a gruff tone. “And you have nothing to apologize for because that kiss wasn’t a mistake.” His green-eyed gaze met hers, and it was anything but disinterested or dispassionate.

“Then why did you say it was wrong?” She cocked her head to one side, waiting for him to explain.

“That’s easy. Because when we sleep together, and we will, it won’t be because you’re grateful or on the rebound. It will be because you can’t think of anyone but me.” His heated stare raked over her, his desire for her unmistakable, before he turned and walked out of the room, leaving her stunned. And more than a little bit turned on.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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