Exposed to You (One Night of Passion 2) - Page 68

For a few seconds, she didn’t move. She wasn’t being defiant; she was just temporarily unable to interpret the flood of feeling she experienced at that moment, the bewildering urge to s

urrender herself to a surging, unnameable need.

The silence seemed to swell against her eardrums as she began to undress. Finally, she stood before him, naked. It was much more difficult to meet his stare this time, but she did. He looked his fill at her, his expression unreadable. After a moment, he stepped toward the bed and whipped back the comforter.

“Lie down please,” he said.

The sheets felt cool and soft next to her naked skin.

“No, not like that. On your belly,” Everett said.

Her gaze shot up to his. He returned her stare calmly. Wondering if she was completely losing her mind, Joy slowly lay facedown on the mattress. She heard a drawer opening and closing through the drum of her heartbeat, but couldn’t see what he was doing with her cheek pressed against the sheets. A moment later, she knew he’d been retrieving the cuffs he’d used on her the previous night. Neither of them spoke as he restrained her ankles and wrists to the bed. When he’d finished, he drew the comforter over her bare legs, leaving everything from her ass up bare. Joy appreciated the gesture; it was chilly in the air-conditioned room.

Everett sat on the mattress next to her and smoothed back her hair. She watched him through one wide eye as he held up a package and began to open it.

“These are disposable finger vibrators. They’ve never been used,” he said quietly.

“What . . . what do you mean?” she asked, confused.

“Don’t you own a vibrator?” he asked, withdrawing a couple blue, two-inch-long tubes with little nubs along the surface from the package.

“No,” she said honestly. She’d considered buying one a couple years back, but had never gotten around to it. She studied the little objects with interest. The package Everett had opened contained two of the tubular objects, but he opened another one. He pushed a button and one of them began to vibrate subtly. Much to her amazement, he slipped the little device over his forefinger, where it buzzed next to his fingertip. He did the same thing with the remaining devices over three other fingers.

He was going to touch her with those blue, vibrating fingertips, Joy realized in growing excitement. Her pussy started to buzz in tandem with the little devices.

Everett gave her an assessing glance.

“I bought these specially for you. They’re unique. Each one heats up and gets nice and warm in addition to vibrating. I’ve noticed how sensitive your body is. I’m going to find all your sweet spots,” he said, as though he were clarifying a simple mission.

And with that, he began. He brushed the surface of one of the vibrators against the shell of her ear. The tiny, soft silicone nubbins caused a tingling sensation to course down her neck. She instinctively turned her face into the mattress, hiding herself—and exposing more of herself to his sensual assault. He continued to stimulate her ear softly even as he ran both vibrating and firm, warm, flesh fingertips over her neck, as if he wanted to capture the shivers he was causing. He experimented with her other ear and the tender skin behind it. The tiny hairs on her neck stood on end as he tickled them almost playfully. Joy’d had no idea the area was so sensitive. Prickly spikes of sensation tore through her, tightening her nipples, belly and buttocks.

He detailed the slope of both of her shoulders at once, then returned to the top of her spine, stimulating her teasingly before he pressed with all the vibrators at once against the first several inches of her backbone.

“Oh,” she whimpered into the sheets, feeling her flesh melt beneath his touch. The vibrators had started to warm. He lifted one hand, leaving two of the vibrators at her neck, and placed the other two at the base of her tailbone. One finger massaged the skin just above her ass while the other pressed between the top of her buttocks.

Joy gasped as pleasure zipped down her spine and then mellowed to a sweet burn. Her buttocks clenched tight against the tingling pleasure at her anus and all along her perineum, ending in a sizzle at her sex. He kept the vibrators at the incendiary spot at the base of her spine and ran the others all along the length of her backbone. Goose bumps popped out all over her skin.

She heard Everett grunt in approval.

The vibrating fingertips made a study of her shoulder blades. He spent considerable time running them over the sides of her ribs—so much so, in fact, that Joy decided they were instruments of torture. He charted out every little nook and cranny of sensitive skin between her ribs, until Joy let out a frustrated, muffled moan into the mattress.

“You’ve got more nerves along your sides than most people do in their whole bodies,” she heard Everett observe. “I love the curve of your hip,” he said a moment later as he trailed it. She whimpered when he ran flesh fingertips and the vibrators over the skin just above her ass. She yelped when he put two fingers between the crack of her ass again and tapped her tailbone in an erotic rhythm.

“Everett, stop it,” she said shakily. Over the past twenty minutes of his teasing and massaging her flesh, she’d made a patch of the sheet beneath her mouth damp with the vapor from her panting and perspiration from her upper lip. She pressed her cheek against the warm spot and gritted her teeth together in deprivation when he did what she’d asked.

“You don’t like it?”

“No, I do,” she said in a strangled voice. Her pussy was wet and spread. She couldn’t stand him touching other places when she was so ravenous to feel his caresses between her thighs. She also loved his sensual exploration. Adored it. “I just want . . . need . . .”


“To come,” she whispered between pants for air.

“Let it build,” he replied.

If it built any further, Joy thought, she was going to burst. He deliberately folded back the comforter and ran his fingertips at the very tops of her thighs, just beneath the curves of her ass. She could tell by the smooth glide of the vibrators over her flesh that a coat of sweat had gathered there.

She let out a groan when the vibrators came less than an inch from the wet tissues of her pussy.

Tags: Bethany Kane, Beth Kery One Night of Passion Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025