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Shimmering Chaos (Enchanted Chaos 2)

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“I’m trying,” I say, the wind stinging my cheeks. “But it’s a lot to take in. I mean, you’re saying things like we could build a kingdom, and I …”

I think I need a moment to collect myself …

Deciding to listen to my thoughts for once, I step forward. The second Foster’s hands fall from my hips, the wind stills.

As I peer over my shoulder at him, he parts his lips, but the words die on his tongue as his gaze collides with mine. Who knows what he sees? Fear and worry? If my expression matches what I’m feeling right now, then probably.

This is all so overwhelming. Only a few days ago, I thought I was the only one with powers. Now I’m standing in a bathroom with a guy who I thought hated my guts—and possibly still does—in the middle of a wintery scene that I—we created. I mean, how is this real life?

“I’m sorry,” Foster says, paling.

I open my mouth to tell him he doesn’t need to apologize, that he has nothing to do with what is sending me into panic mode, but then the door is swung open and Ollie comes rushing in.

A grin twists at his lips as he spots me.

“Ogre!” I squeak, skittering backward and pointing at the hungry-eyed creature.

The wind picks up, sending snow and ice fragments cutting through the air, and the icy floor splinters apart.

Foster whirls around, spanning his arms out to his sides as he steps in front of me, blocking me from Ollie’s view.

“Move,” Ollie demands through a blissful moan. “I want her. I want her now!”

“Back off, Ollie,” Foster warns. “You can’t have her.”

“Yes, I can,” he whines. “She doesn’t know what I am and isn’t part of Master Max’s family; therefore, I can do whatever I want with her, so give her to me.”

“No.” Coldness chills Foster’s tone as he leans back, pressing his back against me.

His scent engulfs me—warm rain, crisp snow, summer breezes, and campfire, all mixed into one scent.

A growl reverberates from Ollie. “Move out of my way, elemental protector, and give me the girl.”

“If you so much as come near her, I’ll break your arms and legs,” Foster tells him in a low tone.

“My, my, does the youngest Everettson have their very first crush?” Ollie sneers. “How pathetic.”

I peer around Foster and find Ollie grinning, and his grin only doubles when he spots me.

“You’re mine,” he threatens, his fangs glinting in the light.

“Fuck off,” I retort, but probably only because I’m standing safely behind Foster. If it was just Ollie and me in the room, that might be an entirely different story. “I’m not yours. I’m nobody’s, so back off.”

Ollie’s eyes flash with hunger. “Feisty. I like it. I bet you’re tasty, too.”

My fingers fold into fists, a comeback biting at the tip of my tongue, but Foster beats me to the punch.

“Shut up,” Foster growls. “And get the hell out of here, Ollie, or I swear to the gods, you’ll be punished in the worst of ways.”

Ollie simply grins. “You must like her a lot

. Usually, you’re so neutral about everything.” He pauses. “That’ll make it even more fun when I rip her apart.”

As an angry burst of wind circles around the room, I’m reminded of my powers. That I’m not completely weak. But everyone has been stressing how I need to keep my powers a secret. Still, though I’m a bit hesitant to allow them to slip through, I really want to, which might be a first.

“Ollie, you will not harm Sky,” Max’s commanding voice flows across the room. “If you do, you’ll be sent back to your world.”

Ollie must really not like his world because, in quite a panic, he sputters, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me, Master Max. I’m just so hungry and confused. I didn’t realize the girl matters to you.”

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