Shimmering Chaos (Enchanted Chaos 2) - Page 36

I nod. “Yep, I’m sure.” I think.

He moves back. “I’ll give you a couple of minutes to change.”

Nodding, I step into my room and shut the door. Then I put on a pair of plaid pajama shorts and a tank top, pull my hair into a messy bun, and grab my phone to text Nina and Gage, deciding I need some BFF time after the crappy day I’ve had.

Me: So, maybe they’re not as bad as I thought …

Nina: Ha! I knew you’d fall for one of them? The question is: which one?

Me: None. I just decided they’re not as bad as I thought.

Nina: Liar. I bet it’s the one from the parking lot, right?

Gage: The one who treated her like shit?

Me: I didn’t fall for any of them … But Foster, the guy from the parking lot, he’s not as bad anymore. In fact, he’s pretty nice.

Nina: Blah. Nice is sooo boring.

Gage: You only think that because you love drama.

Nina: Ha! Like you don’t.

Gage: Whatever. You’re way worse than me.

Me: Both of you are terrible if you ask me.

Nina: Whatever. You both suck. Just kidding. I love you guys.

Me: I love you guys, too. I mean that. I really do.

Gage: Okay, now you got me worried. What’s up with the mushiness?

Me: It’s nothing. I just had a rough day.

A rough day where I realized that, before I moved here, the two of them were the only stable people in my life. Not that they’re stable in the head or anything like that. But, as friends, they’ve been pretty solid.

Nina: You want us to come visit? You seem sad. And while we’re there, we can see for ourselves if this Foster dude is really worthy of you.

I wish I could see them, wish it was okay, but with everything going on and us being on lockdown, it’s safer if they’re not around.

Me: I have school for the next couple of weeks, but we for sure need to get together soon and hang out.

But I have to wonder if I’ll be able to or if, the deeper I fall into this world, the more distance I’ll have to put between us.

I don’t have too much time to stress out over those questions, though, because someone knocks on the door. I send Nina and Gage a quick text saying I have to go then put my phone away, get up, and answer the door.

Foster is standing on the other side, and his gaze skims up and down me as he enters my bedroom. “You ready for bed?”

“Nah, I just put on my pajamas for fun,” I joke. “Thought I’d make a new fashion statement. In fact, I think I should wear this to school.”

“Such a smartass.” Shaking his head and suppressing a grin, he crosses the room and flops down on the bed.

He’s wearing a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and a black T-shirt, but as he tucks his arms behind his head, his shirt rides up and I get a glimpse of his lean abs. Then I roll my eyes at myself for gawking at him and lie down beside him, keeping a bit of distance between us, despite how much I want to snuggle up with him and feel at ease. It would be a stupid move, and I’d be stupid for doing it.

“You want the lights on or off?” Foster asks, rotating onto his side.

I also roll onto my side to face him. “Can we keep the lamp on?”

Tags: Jessica Sorensen Enchanted Chaos Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024