Shimmering Chaos (Enchanted Chaos 2) - Page 58

He doesn’t hesitate, kissing me back, his tongue slipping into my mouth. His power surges through me and my heart speeds up, fluttering like a damn lunatic. Sparks of electricity dance across my flesh and spin a web toward him, mixing with his power and sending lightning crackling through our bodies. The sensation feels good.

Really, really good.

No good doesn’t describe this. This kiss is everything my first kiss should’ve been. And my second kiss. In fact, I’ll probably compare every other kiss I have from now on to this kiss, to how wonderful his lips feel on mine. I never want it to end. And I may have let it go on forever if a sharp bite of guilt didn’t nip underneath my skin.

I try to ignore it at first as Foster tangles his fingers through my hair and pulls me closer. But the longer we kiss, the sharper the feeling feels, until it becomes too painful and I have to pull away.

Beyond lost, I wonder if Foster feels the guilt too. But he looks content, his eyes closed, soft breaths rushing from his lips.

When his eyelids open, he reaches up and tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear. “I’m sorry things were so shitty between us at first, but I want to make up for it. Maybe we can start over?”

I shake my head. “I don’t want to start over. I like a lot of the stuff that’s happened between us.”

He smiles as brightly as the clear sky outside, and then leans in to kiss me again.

I want him to so badly, but that biting sensation of guilt nips inside me again, like sharp fingernails against my flesh.

“So, what do we do now?” I ask before his lips touch mine. I’m pissed off I have to stop the kiss, want to figure out where the hell this guilty feeling is stemming from. But I can’t ask him. Not about this. “I mean, what’s next, other than me practicing controlling my powers so I can get the portal open?”

“Well, with Easton stuck here with us, we’ll probably want to make opening a secure portal a top priority or else he’s going to drive us crazy.” He tries for a smile, but it looks forced. “And we also need to try to find a way to get your powers to connect to the other gods’ and goddesses’ power sources.”

“What about food and clothes and stuff?” I ask. “Is there things like that here?”

“No, but my mom should be able to send us some supplies through a secure magical signal.”

“If she can send supplies through it, then why can’t she just travel through it?”

“Because the energy of the signal will probably hurt her. Maybe even kill her,” he explains. “Only non-living objects have been transferred through the signal before. That’s why my mom’s shadow only appears when she communicates with us.”

I gape at him. “Her shadow?”

He chuckles at my shock. “It’s kind of like a spirit. All elemental protectors can temporarily remove their spirits from their bodies. But it takes a lot of practice and a lot can go wrong. Out of all my brothers, only Porter has ever tried it, and he did it without ever practicing and … well, he’s never been the same.”

When he mentions Porter’s name, my heart does this bizarre sprinting thing, which makes no sense at all. I barely know Porter, and what I do know kind of unnerves me. So why is my heart suddenly acting like a ditzy spazz at the mention of his name?

“Everyone keeps acting like there’s something different about Porter,” I say. “And I think I may have sensed that when I first met him.”

“There is … But it’s not really my secret to tell.” He wavers. “Maybe one day he’ll tell you.”

“Or maybe you could just tell me now?” I suggest.

“Sorry, but I know he wouldn’t want me to tell you.” He offers me an apologetic look.

“All right, I guess I get why you won’t tell me.” I feel a tug inside my chest, and I’m pretty sure it’s coming from the link. “Do Porter, Max, Hunter, and Holden know what happened to us?”

“They do and they want to come see us as soon as they can.” His eyes shadow over for a fleeting moment, but the lightning returns when he shakes his head. “Hopefully by then, Hunter can fully repair the link.

I nod in agreement, but deep down, I feel like a liar. I’m not sure why other than maybe something is messing with my head. At least I hope that’s what it is.

Chapter 14


Kissing Sky was the most amazing thing ever. After spending years thinking I’d never have that and finally having it … there are no words. I also feel more connected to her than I ever have with anyone else.

At the same time, I’m scared shitless. While I told her most of the truth, there are some things I’m too afraid to tell her or that aren’t my secrets to tell. Like with Porter. Like what’s really going on with the link. And like with what really happened to Brody.

After I finish explaining what I can to Sky, she ends up falling asleep. With how much power she used to open that portal, I’m guessing she’ll probably sleep a lot over the next few days.

Tags: Jessica Sorensen Enchanted Chaos Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024