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Maceo (Filthy Rich Alphas)

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Personally, I figured the guys assumed that Maceo owned Sin, so they were simply sucking up. I loved it. It seemed to put Maceo on edge as he averted his eyes each time a kiss was blown his way. Plus, my girls loved to watch him cringe. Each time a man flirted with Maceo, my friends giggled. In fact, they loved to watch him period, and had been throwing him little glances in between each intermission between dances.

The cowboy tossed one more kiss at Maceo as he grabbed his hat and left the club.

“You didn’t catch that kiss.” I shook my head. “That’s pretty rude.”

Maceo shook his head. “I don’t catch kisses from men.”

“Why not?”

“I wouldn’t know what to do with them.” He held one finger in the air. “Do I A, hold on to the kiss and blow one back to him, not truly having any good intentions in the exchange?”


“It would just motivate him to do more of something that I wouldn’t like.” He put a second finger up. “Or B, do I grab the air kiss, place it in a nice little box with pretty wrapping paper, and give it to a woman that I believe may need it more than me?”

“Because that’s a normal thing.”

“But then we have more problems.”

“I bet.” I laughed.

“How long would the kiss last? Do they rot after an hour or a day? Basically, the dilemma is just too much to deal with so I choose to pretend like an air kiss never happened.”

I covered my mouth to hide my giggling.

He moved my hand away from my face. “I love when you laugh. Your cheeks puff up and jiggle a little. It’s a beautiful sight.”

“Thank you, but FYI, there’s no flirting allowed among the judges.”

He held his hand over his heart. “My apologies. I’ll have to be more respectful of the rules and flirt with you after I’m done judging.”

“Okay, people!” Cora stood up and swayed a little. It was time to cut her off. Today, she was taking our group’s work hard, play harder motto too literal. “I have enough time to get another glass of wine before the next performer.”

Won’t that be your fourth glass?

“How are you getting home?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Why?” She twisted her lips into a confused expression as she stumbled over to the bar.

“Because if the answer doesn’t involve you getting a cab or Maria taking you home, then I’m cutting you off.”

She paused for a second and considered it. “Fine. Maria is taking me home.”

Maria looked up. “What? Someone said my name?”

“I need you to take me home before you begin stalking the Spaniard.” Cora knelt down and perused my wine selections.

Maria glanced at her watch. “Well then we’ll have to leave early. I planned on stalking him right before the sun goes down.”

“Good plan,” Maceo said. “Sunsets add a certain beauty to any stalking situation.”

“Please, don’t encourage her.” I got up due to the fact that a whole lot of unnecessary clinking sounded from behind the bar where Cora was lowered at. I had to make sure she didn’t break anything.

Maceo rose with me. “How about you sit down, Christine, and I pour a glass of wine for all of you?”

“No, thank you. I have it taken care of.” I walked over, and with complete ignorance he followed. “Cora, go back to your seat, preferably without falling on your behind. I’ll pour you some red wine.”

“Naw.” She took her time rising. “Better yet, give me a glass of water. I’m starting to feel the effects.”

“The water is off.” I shook my head. “What about soda?”



“Then hit me with something sexy.” Cora staggered back to her seat.

Sexy diet soda? Really?

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the first diet soda I could find.

Maceo stood on my right and explored my faucet and sink. “This whole set up is pretty old. I’m going to fix this area up really nice for you, make it more elegant as well as durable.”

“I don’t need elegance. I just need the ability to use water and my customers to go to the bathroom.”

Another guy jumped on the stage. A white mask covered his face and a black cape draped his shoulders, so I couldn’t get a look at his body. He held a tray full of paper in his hand, set it on the stage in front of him, and lit the whole thing on fire.

What the hell!?

My body tensed as a hard-hitting song started.

If he burns up my stage, I’m suing him.

Thankfully, the fire didn’t leave the pan and remained there, flickering angry orange flames as he danced around it. The booming song shifted into a haunting tune and reminded me of Phantom of the Opera.

“He gets points for theatrics.” Maceo pulled a glass down from above the bar, took the soda out of my hand, and poured it. “I’ll need to see his body to truly evaluate him.”

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