Maceo (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 14

“I have this guy that won’t take no for an answer.”

He wagged his finger. “Tsk. Tsk. That’s a horrible situation. I’ve dealt with that before. Some women see me and they know I’m the one for them.”

Oh God.

“I’ve had some ladies stalk me a few times. Too bad I can’t seem to be into any of them. I tend to like my woman stubborn and running away.” He touched my sleeve’s shirt. “St. Patrick’s Day is my favorite holiday, too.”

“It’s not my favorite one.”

“Then why wear the shirt?”

“Because I wanted to.”

“No.” He inhaled and groaned again. “You wore that shirt because I would be here today. You assumed that jogging pants and a T-shirt would turn me off.” He prowled around me. “Women have no idea what’s really on most men’s mind. Take this get-up, for example.” He got behind me and captured my hips. I held my breath and couldn’t move. Warmth tingled up my spine.

He gripped my hips harder. “All I can think about right now is how easy it is to pull these jogging pants down.”

I climbed out of his grip. “Please, don’t touch me.”

“After yoga pants, jogging pants are a man’s best friends. I’d invest money in them if I could.”

“Why can’t you?”

He grinned. “I’m already investing all of my time and money into you.”

You just walked right into that line, didn’t you, Christine?

“Look, I’m not interested.”

“You’re more than interested. You’re wet and hungry, but you’ll have to wait. For now, we have this picnic.” He captured my hand and guided me over to the blanket. “Maybe later tonight I can feed you.”

I snatched my hand away. “I’m not hungry . . . or wet.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m not interested in dating you.”

“Of course not. You’re storming down the path of success. I can see all of the smoke behind you, and the many battered bodies you’ve destroyed and eliminated as you conquered, but tell me something.” He waved away imaginary smoke.

“I’m really not hungry.”

“Didn’t Alexander the Great let his soldiers rest after a good fight?”

“I have no idea.”

“Sit down and eat with me please.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Then watch me eat.” He sat down. “Let’s go over your projects’ schedules.”


I shook my head. “Maybe you can finish eating and come down to my office to discuss it.”

“You’re office has been ransacked and possibly burglarized.”

“What?” I scrunched my face up in horror. “There’s no way that’s true. My brothers would’ve told me that immediately.”

“Interesting. Then your office is just a mess. It seems you’re not completely flawless. I love it.”

I opened my mouth in disbelief. “I’m not messy.”

“The office was a pigsty. Mountains of papers. Heels for every occasion. Outfits hanging behind the copy machine. Panties folded in your bottom drawer right next to folders and envelopes.”

“Why were you in my drawers?”

“Then there’s the five defective iPhones on your shelf. At what point are you going to give Apple the big fuck you. They suck.”

“No, they don’t.”

“Apple is what’s wrong with the world.”

He’s absolutely insane.

“Alrighty,” I said. “You’re one of those anti-Apple people. I’ve learned my lesson arguing with Maria about which is better. I’m not going to get into it with you.”

“Fine. Remain a slave to Apple.” He grinned. “I could clean your office for you.”

“Hey, I can clean it. I just . . . haven’t had time to organize, and sometimes I bring clothes to work just in case my friends want to go out afterwards. It saves time, instead of running home to get my stuff and change. Oh God. Why am I even explaining all of this to you?”

Get control of yourself.

“Douglas, I think, was the one that said you didn’t have time,” Maceo continued as if we were just two cool people having a simple discussion. “I agreed to put a better working shower in your private office bathroom.”

“I don’t have a private bathroom.”

“You will. That’s one of the new projects I want to discuss with you.” He patted the blanket next to him. “Please, sit.”

He’s freaking controlling the conversation and me.

I raked my fingers through my hair. “Okay. Let’s stop right now. We really need to get some things clear. First of all—”

“If you want me to listen then you have to sit next to me and let me pour you a glass of wine.”

I glared.

“Not that I don’t enjoy you standing over me. It’s a lovely sight. But when I have a conversation with a beautiful woman I like to be eye-to-eye level with her. And your eyes … well, they’re one of the many stunning things about you.”

“You’re laying it on pretty thick.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I didn’t say thank you.”

“You will later, at the end of the night.”

A silly grin spread on my face. I placed my hands on my hips. “I don’t want a private bathroom. That sounds great and everything, but my main focus is getting the pipes changed and—”

Tags: Kenya Wright Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024