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Firefighter Pegasus (Fire & Rescue Shifters 2)

Page 14

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I am not going to fall for him.

“Well, I'm glad to hear you've been practicing,” Connie said, determinedly ignoring his intense gaze. “We'll go up in the plane together tomorrow. I'll teach you the quirks of the controls. I warn you, it won't be like anything you've ever flown before.”

A quick, private look of amusement flashed across Chase's face. “I think you'll find I'm a fast learner.”

“I know you are. When you actually decide to listen.” She jabbed his muscular leg with her finger. “I'm serious, Chase. If you're going to get behind the controls of my mother's plane, then you'd better be serious, too.”

“When it comes to you,” Chase said, all traces of laughter sliding away, “I am entirely serious.”

The heat in his dark, intent eyes made an answering warmth spread through her. It was like he was a magnet, pulling the compass of her soul out of alignment. She knew, knew, that he was a cheating playboy, and yet she couldn't help but want to throw caution away and fly straight into his arms.

She stood up abruptly. “Good. In that case, I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Chase.”

He remained sprawled across her bed.

“I said, good night, Chase.” She glared at him. “That means it's time for you to leave. Now.”

“Ah, well.” Chase folded his arms comfortably behind his head. “I'm afraid I can't do that.”

Connie rolled her eyes. “Chase, you live in this city. There is no possible way you are going to convince me that you don't have somewhere to go.”

“I do. A very nice place. Much nicer than this, if you don't mind me saying so.” He sat up, swinging his feet off the bed. “In fact, why don't we go back there now? I'd like to show you my roof garden. You can sit in the hot tub and look out at the sea, and—”

“I am not going anywhere with you. And you are leaving. Now.”

“I really, really can't,” Chase said firmly. “Considering that Sammy Smiles has already put your father in hospital, I can't take the risk of leaving you alone.”

Connie folded her arms across her chest. “I can take care of myself.”

Chase's jaw set. “I mean it, Connie. I'm not leaving your side.”

“And I'm not having you staying at my side every moment until the race,” Connie retorted.

Chase's roguish grin flashed again. “Good. Because actually, I'm planning on sticking with you for a lot longer than that. Something like forever.”

Connie threw up her hands in despair. “Look, if I have sex with you, will you finally agree to just leave me alone?”

The words slipped out from her unbidden, fuelled by a combination of exasperation and attraction. She hadn't meant to say it.

But it did mean she had the pleasure of finally seeing Chase Tiernach completely, utterly, and absolutely lost for words.

“Well?” Emboldened by his stunned silence, Connie took three steps back toward him, planting herself right between his knees. “Come on, Chase. You and me, right here, right now. Get it out of your system, so you can finally get over me.”

So I can finally get over you.

Chase swallowed, hard. “Connie, we… please don’t tease me. You don’t understand what you mean to me.”

“I’m not teasing.” Throwing common sense to the wind, Connie ran her fingertips up Chase's bare forearm, tracing the rock-hard swells of his muscles. “Don't tell me a playboy like you doesn't always carry around a condom or two.”

“Actually, I don't.” Chase said hoarsely. “So—”

“Well, I'm on birth control anyway, so as long as you'll take my word for it, it's not really a problem. In your line of work I assume you have to have a clean bill of health, right?”

Chase couldn't have looked more stunned if she'd walloped him across the back of the head with a two by four. “Yes, of course, but…. you can't actually be serious?”

“Why not? We're both consenting adults. There's unfinished business between us, so lets finish it, for once and for all.” Connie started undoing the buttons of her top. “Then we can both move on with our lives.”

Chase's hand closed around her wrist, stopping her mid-motion. Connie could feel the contained strength in the grip. He was shaking, ever so slightly, as if it was taking immense force of will to hold himself back.

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