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Leopard's Rage (Leopard People 12)

Page 46

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She complied readily.

“Get me wet, Flambé, or you’re going to have a difficult time.” He stroked her throat. “You’re going to take me deep. You love this. You love my cock, don’t you?”

“So much, Sevastyan.”

“You concentrate on swallowing me, taking me all the way down. I’m going to try some new things that might scare you, but you’ll love them. They’ll feel so good, baby. You’ll come so hard for me. I promise you will. Get my cock deep. Really deep.” He massaged her breasts with his hands roughly. She tried to arch into his hands, silently begging him to continue. “You just have to trust me to take you there.”

He saw it in her eyes. That adoration she gave him when they were connected this way, through the ropes. She liked rough play. She even needed it and he gave it to her, pushing his cock into her mouth, letting her tongue lube his shaft first and then pushing deeper, repeating and going a little deeper. The sight of her lips stretching around his girth was so fucking beautiful he knew he’d never get over it. Adding to that was the beauty of her in the ropes and the look in her eyes as she gazed up at him.

Flames rushed down his spine, tore through his body like a fireball straight to his groin. He spent a few minutes letting her get used to his cock, the size of it in her mouth. The angle that helped to open her throat. He bent over her slowly and then pulled back, allowing her to get used to losing the security of his gaze, which kept her feeling safe and focused. When he’d established a rhythm, he cupped the side of her face.

“I’m going to give you something new, baby. Keep taking me deeper. Work at taking me deeper after each breath. You ready for this?”

He kept his gaze fixed on hers. She didn’t stop sucking hard, her tongue lashing at him. He pulled back to give her air. She nodded. Her eyes said yes, even with liquid swimming in them. He touched her face to give her courage and show his approval. Very slowly he bent over her, his cock sliding deeper, taking care not to allow his body to shake. He had to appear to be in control.

He had to be careful. He couldn’t see her expression. He didn’t want her to panic. She couldn’t talk nor could she fight him. He had to be aware of the subtlest body movement. He already had gotten her rhythm, when she needed air, but she no longer had the reassurance of his eyes. He timed the first withdrawal of his cock so she could see that she could rely on him to give her the air she would need. When he pushed deep, he smacked her pussy a little harder than he had before and then flicked her clit before sucking it. Her entire body quivered.

Shturm, do you feel her cat close? It makes no sense that she rose when the others were near but disappeared when you came close to her. Flambé is extremely strong, but right now she is vulnerable and in a weakened state. Reach out to Flamme. Draw her to you. Now, Shturm. God, you’d better do your part because I can’t hold out.

His leopard rose while his hips thrust over and over, sending his cock into her mouth, matching the rhythm of his hand smacking her. He sucked her clit, using his tongue to fuck her the way his cock was using her mouth. He felt his leopard close to the surface, the male nearly as ferocious in that moment as he was, demanding his mate.

His head was already nearly exploding with the way her mouth felt so tight around his cock. It was difficult to force himself to pull back. His cock was at her throat. She was good at controlling her gag reflex and this time he smacked harder, flicked and sucked. Then it was several smacks. He was adding fucking her with his fingers, flicking and sucking as he was gently pushing his hips deeper each time he let her have air.

It was difficult to think, almost impossible. He knew he had to stay in control. This was dangerous all the way around, but she was pulling hard at his cock with her fierce suction, surrounding him with a scorching, moist fire so tight she was squeezing and then lashing him with her velvet tongue as he pulled back. The feeling was unlike anything he’d experienced.

He felt his leopard close to the surface, moving in him, a fierce beast, demanding the female come close. At once her presence was there, her heat adding to the fire in Flambé’s body. Sevastyan felt the change, the added sensitivity. Already Flambé’s nerve endings were extremely responsive to the merest touch. A brush of his finger, no matter how light, could set a flame going off in her bloodstream. He was tuned to the slightest change in his partner when he worked with someone. He had to be. He’d never known any woman’s body to be as sensitive as Flambé’s body was.

As the female leopard came closer to the surface and her hormones merged with Flambé’s, the sensations he created when he smacked and flicked her heightened the coiling tension in her belly, in her sex. He’d deliberately chosen a new sexual technique to incite the leopard as well as Flambé.

She was rocking her hips, pushing herself into his mouth, raising her pussy to his hand, desperate for him to put out the flames he’d created, and the coiling tension that just wound tighter and tighter in her body. By now the fur would be moving under her skin, creating an itch, only now it would feel different, more like the brush of fire, strokes of flames over and over as if he was licking her with a fiery brand. Her moans vibrated through his cock, adding to the ecstasy so that he wanted to prolong the session, not end it, although he didn’t see how it was possible.

Her body was so close. His was too. He wanted to feel the tight clasp of her throat and this time he pushed deep, all the way, letting his cock feel that squeeze while he spanked her soaked pussy hard enough to bring her to a violent orgasm. Between his mouth, fingers and smacking palm he prolonged the orgasm while he rocketed long jets of hot semen over and over into her. It was all he could do to keep his feet and pull back so she could breathe.

Sevastyan, in all his years of dark sexual practices, had never experienced such a violent or long, intense release like that one. His body felt like he had been thrown into another world, a fiery ascension that took him to a place of pure feeling. He looked down at her face. Pure beauty. She coughed once but managed to keep breathing, not choke.

He waited, catching his breath, his gaze fixed on her face assessing her the entire time. He needed to make certain she was all right, that he hadn’t hurt or damaged her. Above all else, her safety came first. After that, he wanted her addiction to him to grow. That was very, very important. Something was terribly wrong between them and he absolutely knew that the only real possibility he had to keep Flambé tied to him was the sex that no one else could give her. He was going to give her things that would blow her mind. Things she’d never thought of. Things she knew she’d never get anywhere else or from anyone else.

Her lashes fluttered but she didn’t quite open her eyes. When he was certain he was able, he walked across the room to the small bar and retrieved a bottle of cold water for her. He took his time, looking casual as he returned to gently lift her head and hold the bottle to her lips.

“What did you think, malen’koye plamya? Is that something you like? Would you want to do it again in a different way? I wanted to distract you the first time to see if you would enjoy it. Your body seemed to, but sometimes the head doesn’t always agree with the body.” He brushed a kiss over her temple. Kept it tender. Loving even. He felt tender and loving toward her, but he knew he had to be careful of giving her too many of those gestures when she didn’t want them from him.

She drank slowly, letting the cool water trickle over her throat. He was a big man and her throat had to be sore. The water had to feel good. When she turned her face away from the bottle, he lowered her head back down over the chair. She wasn’t finished and she would expect him to insist they finish their ritual. He stepped close to give her access, drinking from the same bottle, resting one hand on the ropes as he leaned toward her mouth.

Her tongue felt exquisite as she lapped at him. There was nothing so decadent as his woman taking care of him in the early-morning hours after the blow job of the century. Her face was smeared with his seed when she finished, and she looked disheveled and well used.

Again, he needed a minute to get himself under control and he spent it looking at her, assessing her. Thanking the universe that she was in it with him. Her tight red curls were wet and gleaming with their combined sex and when he opened the privacy screen they glistened along with her thighs. He picked up the camera and slowly walked around her, taking shots from every angle.

“You do look beautiful, Flambé. I want to have a book of my ties with you as my model. The ropes always look so good against your skin.” Deliberately he moved close to take a picture of her spread legs. “And you react so beautifully to erotic bondage.”

/> “I know you’re not going to show those to anyone.” She said it, but there was the smallest hint of doubt in her voice. Her voice was husky.

He turned away from her, putting the camera down so he could pull the knots loose. He was always careful not to leave her tied too long. She was building up her stamina, but she wasn’t ready to stay for any prolonged period of time. He checked her pulse and her hands, legs, arms and feet for warmth and then pulled her onto his lap to rock her gently.

“Woman, I’ve told you a million times, I don’t share.” He nuzzled the top of her head. “We both need a shower and then you can show me what you’ve been working on for our garden. I’ve got a few ideas I want to talk to you about so you can keep them in mind when you’re designing.”

She cuddled into him the way she did after he tied her. It was the only time he got that from her and he savored every second he had with her. She felt small and fragile to him, when now that he knew her, he was well aware that wasn’t the truth at all.

“There’s going to be so much room, Sevastyan. Almost too much. I think we’re going to have to do this in sections, otherwise it will be too overwhelming.” Her voice was very low, husky, and she sounded distracted. Still very much on edge.

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