A centipede runs by.
Time to move, only I can’t. My head is funny and my leg is numb.
Someone reaches down and helps me up. I limp as I walk.
“Why did you send her to us?” I ask Samael.
“You needed help. I thought she’d be a good ally. Was she?”
“The best. Did you know she was going to die?”
“Of course not. I wouldn’t waste a good warrior like that.”
“No kidding?”
“No kidding.”
We walk for a while.
“You’re not here, are you? You’re a hallucination.”
“Probably. But I’m not sure how to tell.”
“Can you see all those bugs in the corn?”
“Then you’re a hallucination.”
“How do you know they’re not the hallucination?”
“Don’t fuck with me.”
“I’d never do that.”
“I know. How’s the war in Heaven?”
I look over and he’s gone. I turn.
There’s my father with a hunting rifle.
I duck.
A shot goes over my head.
Now I’m definitely hallucinating. Good for me. Confirmation. Wait. Hallucinating is bad.
Goddammit. I fuck everything up.
Turn right. Again. And again.
I think maybe I should have been turning left. Is it too late to start over?
Was Samael just here? He’s the angel of death these days. He can be a lot of places at once. Does that mean I’m dead? Maybe I should stick myself with the knife again to see if I feel it.
I reach down for the knife. My leg is covered in blood.
Let’s forget the knife and just assume I’m alive.