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Fractured (Lucian & Lia 2)

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“Okay, baby,” he says softly as he wraps a hand around my neck, pulling my forehead to his. As is also the normal morning routine, the doorbell rings, and we both know it’s Sam. Lucian drops a kiss on my lips, and then stands to pull on his jacket. “Be careful today, and please call and let me know how it goes?”

“I will,” I promise as I follow him to the door. Sam and I say hello and Lucian drops another kiss on my lips before leaving. I feel like I’ve won a small victory…he took his credit card with him. Maybe there’s hope to tame my alpha male after all.


I park Lucian’s Range Rover in the parking lot of the financial aid offices. Ms. Gaston is waiting for me when I reach her office. The campus is still quiet since classes don’t start back for a few more weeks. “Lia, come in. I was just going through your records.” I have a seat in front of her desk and watch as she slips her glasses back on before studying the monitor in front of her. “You kept an A average in all of your classes last semester which is above the requirement level, so you’re fine grade-wise. Your scholarships are available.” Then looking confused, she adds, “I’m just not sure why you scheduled this meeting to process the paperwork.”

Now I’m even more confused than she looks. “Er…why wouldn’t I? Classes start soon, and I need to begin buying my books and supplies. I’ll need the money from the scholarships to do that.”

“Lia…you don’t need a scholarship when your tuition has already been paid in full. You also have a more than sufficient overpay to take care of anything else you might need for your classes. I mean, were you confused about the amount of money you would need? If so, I can assure you that you’re more than covered.”

My head is spinning, and I feel sick to my stomach. How could Lucian do this without discussing it with me first? Why hadn’t he told me he had already paid for my schooling when we talked about it earlier? How dare he let me find out this way! I’m literally shaking with anger and Ms. Gaston is starting to shift uneasily in her seat at the expression on my face. Somehow, I manage to keep my voice level and below a scream as I ask, “Could you please print out something, a receipt, or anything showing when and how the money was paid for my records.”

She looks surprised by my request then grateful to have something to do other than deal with my anger. “Sure, dear. I can do that.” It takes her just a minute to click a few buttons, then hand me a piece of paper off her printer. She gets to her feet, ushering me toward the door. “Now, just let me know if you have any other questions.” I don’t bother to reply as I stalk out into the hallway. When I reach Lucian’s car, I get behind the wheel and slump back. Out of curiosity, I smooth the wrinkled paper out, checking to see what date he paid my tuition. It’s dated ten days earlier. I’m just folding the paper when something catches my eye. Under the notes section of the receipt, it says, ‘PAID VIA CREDIT CARD. LEE JACKS, FALCO CORP.’

I stare at the piece of paper, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing. Lee Jacks? The name sounds so familiar, but I can’t place where I know it from. Suddenly it hits me, and I feel completely foolish. This is obviously a mistake. They must have applied this payment to my account in error. If I hadn’t caught this, Lee Jacks would certainly be angry when he found out his daughter or son’s tuition was unpaid.

I’m just opening my door to go back to Ms. Gaston’s office when I see her shutting the door to her tan sedan a few spaces down. Before I can get out of my car to stop her, she’s pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. “Shit,” I mutter under my breath. Today is the last day the financial aid office was open until next week. I have no doubt this mistake cost someone a lot of money, and they need to know so they can have it corrected. Then it should clear the way for me to access my scholarships.

I take my phone from my purse and Google Falco Corp, looking for their phone number. I’m thrilled to see that their headquarters is just across town, not far from Quinn Software. I’ll just go explain the mix-up in person and have it taken care of today. I plug their address into the Rover’s GPS system because it’s easy to miss a turn in the downtown area and it’s far too hectic to backtrack.

As I’m driving toward Falco, I feel rather like a bitch for assuming the worst about Lucian. Thank God, I had the fortitude to ask for the receipt before I went to his office to tear into him. I was so pissed off; I doubt I would have believed any denial on his part. It’s always been hard for me to trust people, for obvious reasons, but I need to try harder to listen first and react later. I can’t hold him accountable for my screwed-up childhood.

When I reach the offices of Falco, I inwardly groan. The building is a huge, glass and metal tower. I have to drive past it and park in a public lot three blocks away. Maybe I should have just called after all. I’m breathing hard when I finally make it into the lobby. I really need to start exercising more.

Wow, I thought the security in Lucian’s building was excessive. I’m waved toward a metal detector by one of four security guards as I move a few steps away from the door. They take my purse and run it through another scanner while I go through the full-body scan. I feel a tad violated when I’m finally handed my purse and pointed toward a reception desk. “Paranoid much?” I murmur under my breath as I approach the chic woman looking disdainfully at me. I straighten my shoulders, refusing to be intimidated. “I need to see Lee Jacks, please,” I say with all the confidence I can muster.

“And you are?” she asks in a condescending voice which matches her expression perfectly.

“Lia Adams.” She begins typing on the keyboard, probably to see if I have an appointment, which of course I don’t. I pull the tuition receipt from my purse, ready to plead my case when she looks up at me with something akin to shock on her face.

“Oh, yes, Miss Adams. You’re clear to go on up. Let me have Craig escort you.” I’m still frozen in place when she motions to the closest security guard and tells him, “Please accompany Miss Adams to Mr. Jacks’ floor. I will let reception know she’s on the way.” Turning back to me with an expression completely devoid of its earlier sneer, she smiles sweetly. “It’s been a pleasure. Have a wonderful day.” I feel like muttering one of Lucian’s favorite sayings, ‘what the fuck?’ Instead, I give her what I hope passes for a smile and follow the guard toward an elevator in the corner. He says nothing as he waits for me to step inside before following me. He inserts a plastic keycard in a slot and the doors close. I’m dying to make some kind of joke to break the silence, but he doesn’t seem like the type to laugh at all.

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