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Heartbreak Me (Heartbreak Duet 1)

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“It’s not anything I said, is it?”

“Oh no, not at all. I just have a lot on my plate, and the last thing I need is to be staying out all night drinking.” I smile and walk past him to the front. As I reach for the door, hands wrap around my arm, stopping me from going any farther. I’m about to scream and punch whoever touched me when I turn and see Atlas’s amber eyes, which freeze me into position.

“Interesting finding you here.” His dark eyes don’t leave mine, and my pulse races at his touch.

I try to pull free, but he doesn’t loosen his grip. People walking past look, but no one says a word.

“Maybe you are a lot like your sister. After all, this was where I found her spending my money,” he says with venom in his tone.

Licking my lips because they’re dry, his eyes drop to them and watch the movement. I can feel my cheeks heating at his glaring eyes.

“Let go of my arm before I knee you between your legs.” I spit out his name, “Atlas.”

He shows me his teeth, as if he’s going to bite me, then releases my arm. When he does, I take a step back so our bodies no longer touch.

“Your sister did the opposite… she threw herself at me.” There’s a smirk, a pause, then he continues, “Where you want to maim me.”

“If I could, I would never see your face again.” I smile as I say those words because they please me. Turning, now that I am free of his hold, I walk out of the club and wave down a cab. Atlas follows me outside and stands next to me, his team of security, or whatever the hell they are, all stand back. I didn’t even notice they were there with him when he had his hands on me.

“Are you following me?” I swing my head around to look at him. His hands are in the pockets of his black trousers.

“No, you’re in one of my establishments. Coincidence only.”

“Yeah, sure… if you want to call it that.” My words are clipped, and I am angry.

“You have a mouth on you, that’s for sure. The last woman who spoke to me that way ended up with my cock in her mouth to shut her up,” he declares smugly.

I gasp, my cheeks reddening at the thought. “That will never happen. You will never happen.” I shiver at the thought, showing my disgust outwardly.

“You try to be a good liar, but you suck at it. Bad.” His voice turns smooth, and I have to look away or he will know I am just that, a liar. Even if there are some parts of me that are disgusted by him. Actually, no, a lot of me is disgusted by him, but I still think he is incredibly attractive. I am not blind to his outward charm.

“I feel like you wouldn’t really be able to recognize a liar from someone telling the truth. Everyone in your circle probably lies to you anyway, or maybe they just tell you what you want to hear.” The cab pulls up, and I open the door, looking back to him. “Goodnight, Atlas, enjoy your evening.” I climb in and try not to look back as the driver drives off. My cell dings, and I pull it out to read the message.

Unknown: Only someone with a death wish lies to me. Would you be so stupid?

I save his number and choose not to reply. I feel like Atlas is a man who’s used to getting what he wants, and he simply doesn’t care who he hurts to achieve his goals.

I am not that person.

I choose to not be his new plaything.

Chapter Seven


His secretary is at my door again, this time with another new dress. This is twice this week. Will I be doing the same thing? I feel even if I ask the question, I won’t get the answer from her anyway. Her whole face seems to be in a permanent scowl.

“He told me to tell you to be ready by eight. Atlas said that should be plenty of time from now. You’re to wear the heels you had on last night…” she pushes the dress bag into my hands, “… with this.”

“Umm… okay. Anything else?”

“Your sister is a cunt! Thought you should know that,” she asserts with a scowl and slight drop of her head.

My eyes go wide at her words. “You’ve seen her. She’s okay?”

“He told you she was okay, so, of course, she is.”

“Yes, but I haven’t seen proof. Am I just meant to take the word of a man who is blackmailing me?” I ask, pointing out the damn obvious.

“He could have killed you. It’s been done before. So, yes, you should take the word from a man who’s looking after your sister instead of killing the both of you.” She turns and walks out my door.

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