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Heartbreak You (Heartbreak Duet 2)

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“Have you heard anything?” I ask, referring to Benji.

“What do you care? What do you care, Thea?” Her voice is raised.

“I never wanted this,” I say, shaking my head, my eyes glassy from all the tears I’ve let slip.

“It’s because of you that this has happened,” she says in a voice that’s so vicious, I have to take a step back in case it somehow grows a hand and slaps me in the face.

“I’m sorry about your husband,” I tell her in a small voice.

“I don’t care about that. I get all his money now, so it’s a win for me.”

The doctor enters the room, and he looks to me, asking me if I’m family, before he starts speaking to her. “You’re pregnant.”

My eyes fly open at his words.

Lucy’s eyes go wide as well.

Then, as if she’s possessed, she turns her head slowly, eyebrows slightly slanted as she looks at me. “You should leave because when he gets here, and I tell him I’m pregnant, I need that moment to be between us.”

Slowly, I shake my head as the doctor steps out.

Lucy touches her stomach. “He will want me now, not you,” Lucy spews out.

“Lucy…” I step forward, but she holds up her hand, halting my progress.

“Don’t, Lucy me. This baby and I will do great with Atlas as the father.”

“But he isn’t the dad,” I tell her.

Is she delusional from the blood loss? She’s making no sense.

“Benji was his cousin. So this baby will be the most important thing to him now Benji is dead.” She says ‘dead’ as easy as she breathes, as if her husband’s death hasn’t affected her at all.

Cousin? Oh, my God.

How did I not know, and how come he never told me?


“Get out,” she yells.

When I take a step back, she instantly calms, as if my presence is so bad it gives her anxiety.

That’s not fair—not fair at all.

Turning, I head outside and sit by her door with my head on my knees. I don’t know what to do or where to go.

Reaching for my cell, I call Atlas, but he doesn’t answer.

I message Atlas, telling him to call me. Again, he doesn’t answer.

Then I send something I know I will regret later.

Me: She’s pregnant!

I wait. I don’t know what else to do.

My eyes are heavy as the morning sun rises, and I feel my stomach start to growl. My legs are sore from sitting in the same position. Once my eyes finally open there are a pair of black boots standing in front of me. Looming over me, Atlas looks at me with an intense, fevered stare in those beautiful amber eyes. His face is clenched, his posture is stiff, and that vein I often see throbbing in his neck is pulsating angrily. This is when I realize I can do nothing to change the outcome, and I hate that fact more than I care to admit.

“Atlas.” I say his name, and his face reddens as I speak.

He looks past me to the room where my sister is lying in her bed. She was sleeping last time I looked in on her.

“She in there?” he asks, not looking at me.

“You came for her?” I ask incredulously, somehow managing to stand.

Looking back at me, he snarls, “Not for you, that’s for sure.” I hiccup unintentionally. “You’ve brought nothing but wrong turns and bad decisions into my life since the minute I let you in. I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

I step closer to him. “There is still time. Go on, do it. Put a knife to my neck and slice.” I regret the words the moment they leave my mouth, but anger’s taken hold, and his eyes show a flicker of pain before they return to hate.

“Maybe I will when you least expect it,” he spits out then turns, walking to the door, not looking back.

I stay on the wall, listening in to the conversation.

“You came. I knew you would.”

“Is it true?” Atlas asks.

“Is what true?” Lucy states, sounding so much more polite than when she speaks to me.

“Don’t play with me, Lucy. Today is not the day for your games,” he says, and I imagine he’s running his fingers through his perfectly styled hair.

With my back to the wall, I slide to the floor, not sure if I should leave.

Why do I feel the need to always look out for Lucy, even after everything she’s done? I have no answer to this question, and the only person who can change that is me.

Standing, I turn and look into the room.

Lucy’s brows bunch together when she sees me.

“I’m leaving,” I tell her. “And I’m not coming back this time, Lucy.”

She flicks her hair over her shoulder. “I never wanted you to save me, Thea.”

My eyes shift to Atlas, who’s looking at Lucy, but I speak to him anyway. “I’m giving two weeks’ notice. Thank you for giving me my job back, and…” I trail off as I look to Lucy, who’s glaring at me as if I can’t get away from her fast enough.

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