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Kisses and Warfare

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Oh, shit!


“Okay, still not judging, but what a bitch. Seriously, how does he know and I don’t? I am your sister.” Rochelle’s eyebrows pinch together in anger.

“Because Blaze was there, and I’m guessing he told him.”

Her mouth forms a perfect O, and she inclines her head.

“Marcus is on his way to get me. I guess I’ll meet you there,” she says, but I can tell she’s unsure.

I grab her wrist and squeeze it. “It’s nice, I like it there. Just try to have fun. Some of the girls are lovely,” I tell her.

“I can do that.” She says eagerly.

“I have to go, but I will see you in a few hours?” She nods again, and as I walk out, I really hope tonight runs smoothly.“Miss, I don’t want to go up on stage tonight,” Silver says, sitting down while she pulls at her silver wig.


She opens the bottom of the curtain, looking out as she talks to me. “I just don’t want to. I hate them.”

I don’t even bother looking out to know who she’s talking about. “Tonight only,” I say, to which she closes the curtain. “Tonight only! You can have off. But just because you don’t like someone, it shouldn’t stop you from working, Silver. Now go and at least attend to one of the private rooms.”

She nods, jumping up and walking to one of the private rooms out the back.

Walking out the front, I go straight to the bar and spot my sister and Marcus sitting on one of the stools. It’s not unusual for a woman to be in here with a man. A lot of women bring their significant others in here, but I don’t think that’s the way Rochelle is. Marcus has a possessive hand on her waist as she orders over the bar. He notices me and leans in to whisper something to Rochelle, who turns to face me.

“You made it,” I say, finally reaching her as Teddy hands her a drink. “No charge, Teddy.” She agrees and walks off, leaving us standing there. Just as I am about to talk, the lights dim, and Sparkle takes to the stage.

“I’ve never actually been to a strip club before,” Rochelle says, putting her drink to her lips. She turns to Marcus. “Have you?”

He doesn’t answer, just drops his lips to her neck as she stays on his lap. As if he would admit to that.

“It’s nice, Kat.”

“Hey, I need to ask you something.” Rochelle nods, not moving. “Did you tell Blaze my name?”

Rochelle looks at me confused, her brows pinch together, and then it clicks. “Oh no, no way. You hate it.” She giggles. “Why?”

“He knows it for some reason,” I say, looking around to see if he’s in here tonight. He isn’t. Thankfully.

“Ohhh, well, no. I didn’t.” She giggles again. “But that is funny. Did you junk punch him like you did the last boy who called you by your real name?”

I shake my head. “Not yet,” I say, smiling, remembering the boy in eighth grade who decided it would be funny to use my full name. He never did it again.

My phone starts ringing, and as I look down, I see it’s a private number. Who the hell is that? Sending them to voicemail, where they never leave a message, I wave to Rochelle. “I have to get back to work.” I look past her to Teddy. “Drinks are free for her tonight,” I say, pointing to Rochelle. Teddy looks to her and nods, then I walk away.

Heading into my office, I open my computer and see an email from the boss, which is very rare. I hardly hear from him unless banking is late.Dear Miss Tulip,I am writing to thank you for taking such great care of my club over the last few years. I have never in all my career had someone as good as you. (That includes me.) You take pride in all that you do, and the girls have tremendous respect for you.

You are probably wondering why I’m writing this letter. Well, the truth is, I couldn’t bring myself to tell you in person or to see the look of disappointment on your face. By now you may have heard from the new owner. If not, he may be liking the way you run things and wants to keep everything as is. Which is what I suggested if he wants to keep up the earnings you’re bringing in.

So, thank you, Kat.

Thank you for looking after that place as if it were yours.

I’m finally retiring. I know I should have done this years ago, just like you told me when I hired you. You said there would be no use for me and that you could handle it all. And you were right. So the day has come where I must say goodbye.

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