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“I thought I saw someone I knew,” I lie.

“Not here you won’t. Now why don’t you go back to your room before you get yourself into a lot of trouble?”

I nod my head and turn, walking out.

Except, I don’t go back to the room. Instead, I head around the side to where there’s a massive infinity pool and dive in.




“What do you plan to do with her?” Carter asks standing next to me as I look down from his room to see her swimming. She does several laps effortlessly as if she was made for an Olympic team. Her body’s fit. I know she has stamina but I guess I didn’t realize how much.

“Fuck, does she stop?” he asks five minutes into watching her.

She hasn’t stopped swimming laps since we’ve been watching Isadora.

“So far, I’m enjoying her.”

Carter shakes his head at my words. “You fuck them and get rid of them. Why is she still here?” he asks.

I grind my teeth together. “Do you want her, Carter?”

That would really piss me off, and he knows it. She has me all fucked-up, and I have no damn reason why. So, my best bet is to keep her where I can find her. Have her within touching distance at all times. Until I figure out what she is to me. Who she is to me.

He raises his hands in the air. “No, boss. But one has to wonder why you’re keeping her.”

“She amuses me. I haven’t quite figured her out yet.”

“I didn’t know you wanted to figure her out.”

I take a deep breath at his words and remember that I actually like him, that I shouldn’t kill him for asking me one hundred and one fucking stupid questions. And he’s also right, I’ve never cared enough to figure out a woman before. So why her?


Turning around, Gabe’s standing in the doorway his eyes wild. “Shawn’s fucking dead.”

“What?” I ask, confused.

“He’s dead, boss. Just found him on the sofa. Dead.”

“Why the fuck are my people dying?” I ask, more to myself than anyone who’s around me. This can’t be happening, not in my house of all places. Someone’s got balls of steel to kill in my territory, and they won’t like the outcome when I find them. Turning around to Gabe I order, “Get everyone out of here. No more fucking parties until we get this shit sorted.”

Gabe nods his head and turns to leave, but stops when I say his name. “Not her, though. Leave her where she is. Put a few guys around her.”

He nods and walks off. Gabe works fast. Within seconds of him leaving, I turn around and watch as the back door swings open and two burly security guys walk out, one standing on either side of the pool while Isadora continues to swim. She doesn’t even bother to look up to see what’s happening around her.

“We’ve been having trouble with a real estate tycoon in Evergreen. How do you want to handle him?” Carter asks.

“What’s his name?”

“Gunner Reid.”

I smile at that name, I know of him. If you’re smart, you know who he is and you keep on top of him. Not only is he dangerous, he’s also one of the smartest businessmen alive.

“Call him over for a visit. Tell him it’s a personal invitation… from me.”

Carter nods and walks out, shutting the door behind him while I stay where I am watching her. Isadora swims a few more laps before she finally looks up and when she does she stops moving and her body locks tight.

“Who are you?” Security doesn’t answer. Isadora looks around then back to my men. “Can I keep swimming?” Again, they don’t answer. So, she spins onto her back, her perfect fake tits sitting flawlessly on her chest as she floats. Luckily for her they’re covered otherwise my men would be having their eyes removed, personally by me.

Turning my back on her, I step down the stairs to my men. Carter and Gabe are talking animatedly and stop once I reach them. I had eight of my most trusted men working alongside me, now I have six. That’s two dead in a matter of days. There’s a damn issue and I need to get to the bottom of whatever the fuck’s going on.

“Same death, boss. No sign of struggle. Simply looks like he went to sleep with his eyes wide open.”


“Send them both to the closest morgue. Pay whatever they need to do a thorough autopsy. I want them tested for toxins, fucking poison, and whatever else they need to test for. Fucking get to it, now!”

“Boss.” I turn to Carter who’s stopped me from heading out to my house. “Don’t you think you should take her home, and stay and wait for Gunner Reid to arrive?”

“No. Make him wait.” I continue walking outside and into the yard. Isadora’s still floating on her back in the crystal clear pool when I reach her.

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