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Walking around the bed, I touch her face by running my finger down the side of her cheek, waiting for her to rouse.

She stirs, those beautiful green eyes look up to me. She goes to move but nothing happens. She struggles and pulls on the bindings, but they are too tight for her to be able to loosen. There’s no way she’s shifting an inch or getting away from me.

“Jasper.” She calls my name.

I sit next to her, my fingers playing on her belly then up between her breasts as I pull out the knife she has hidden between them. Her eyes go wide at my finding it, and when I do I cut the shirt and jacket from her body, so her tits are free and all she has on is her jeans.

“I hope you aren’t fond of your clothing, Isadora.” The knife glides ever so slowly down her bare skin until it reaches her belly button. “Honestly, I thought your name would be fake, I was surprised to learn you gave me your real one.”

“I like my name. I’m named after my grandmother.”

“I like it, too, Isadora. Now what do I do with you?”

“Guess that’s up to you, now, isn’t it?”

“What would you do, Isadora?”

She tries to lean up but she can’t and it frustrates her so she pulls at her bindings. “I would kill you all,” she shouts, then smiles and lays her head back.

“You see… now I know that’s a lie. Because you had the chance to kill Carter and you didn’t take it. I know you know how to, you’re actually quite good at it. Who would have thought to carry out the murders of my men using that method? Was it you, or the uncle? Who’s the bright spark in this so-called relationship of yours?”

“Me,” she says proudly.

“I thought so.” The knife slides to her jeans and I start cutting. Her jeans tear easily with how sharp this small paring knife is and soon she’s lying on the bed naked. “It’s perfect really to have you like this. In the same place I killed him.”

She looks around. “Is this?” She tries to arch her back to get off the bed but once again the bindings hold tighter, the knots I used will only tighten the more she struggles. I can see her hands losing their blood supply. “Oh my God… am I on his bed?” Her eyes go wide and her top lip lifts a little like it disgusts her.

“Quite poetic isn’t it, when you think about it?”

“Jasper, you don’t love me. You can’t, to put me here.”

I shake my head. “Don’t I?” I ask while sitting back and gazing over her naked body. “No woman’s sent me bat-shit crazy as much as you have. Why is that, I wonder?”

“Because I hold your interest.”

“I kill those I love, Isadora. So you should hope that it’s simply infatuation. But I’m having my doubts. I knew you were special from the first night I met you, and then when I kissed you I knew I’d want more, and that hasn’t changed. I still want you, even now as I find out you killed my men and have betrayed me. The single two worst things you can do to me.”

“You destroyed me,” she yells with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Destroyed me! Now kill me, so we can get this over with.”

I lean down and lick the tears which have trickled down her cheeks, she turns away so her lips aren’t accessible to me. Gripping her face hard, I turn her back to me, taking each and every one of them, savoring every moment. She’s worth savoring.

“I can’t. Not yet anyway.”

She doesn’t look at me. I climb over her body, so I’m sitting on top of her as I drop the knife on the bed while my fingers start to circle the shape of her breast. Then they circle her nipples. They snap to attention in small taut buds, all the while she’s looking away not wanting to make eye contact with me.

“You really do fascinate me,” I tell her, running my fingers down her belly until I reach her pussy. Touching the outside, running my fingers up her slit, she squirms, so I dip my finger in just a touch and I can feel her warmth.

“I hate you,” she mumbles.

“I know,” I say back while leaning down, holding her face with my free hand, turning it to look at me, and I kiss her lips as I insert a long finger inside her.

She moans into my mouth, her legs pull against the restraints, but that only helps me to open them even more.

I kick my trousers off as I lift up from her lips and touch my cock. Pumping it a few times, as she watches my every move, even as I slide it between her legs. And as I do they part automatically for me this time. Now they are out as far as they can go considering she’s tied, and I slide straight inside of her.

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