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I haven’t.

Standing and tearing off my shirt, I pull at my jeans as they fall in the water before I step out coming face to face with her.

“You don’t plan on killing me, do you?”

“I’m working up to it,” I tell her the truth.

“It’s not something you should have to work up to, Jasper.” She tries to cover her breasts but it doesn’t work. “Is my uncle still alive?”

I cringe. “I wouldn’t worry yourself about him.”

Her back straightens. “Is he alive or not, Jasper? Just answer the damn question, it’s simple enough.”

“He’s alive… for now.”

“You aren’t tying me back up again,” she tells me as if she has a choice in this matter.

“You seem to forget what you’ve done, Isadora. Has it slipped your mind that you killed three of my men? One being Carter’s brother. Do you know what we do to traitors?”

“Kill them,” she says, but I shake my head.

“No, that’s too easy. First… I find the one thing they love the most. Then, I make them watch as I destroy that one thing. Tell me, Isadora, who do you love the most?” I can see she wants to say her uncle, it’s on the tip of her tongue, but she pauses as the door clicks in the bedroom and I reach for a towel wrapping it around my waist then handing one to her.

“What do you want from me?” she asks as I open the door of the bathroom.

Isadora follows me out, and when she sees who’s standing there she stops in her tracks. “Heather,” she says, the words are barely a whisper from her lips. “You need to go. Just go. Now.”

Heather shakes her head and steps up to me, her soft little hand comes to lay on my arm. “Jasper promised me. He promised me, Issy.”

Isadora turns an accusing look my way. “What did you promise her? She’s innocent in this.” She tries to defend her friend.

“She doesn’t care for you, Isadora, all Heather wants is power. She thinks I can give it to her. So, in exchange, she’s been getting close to you, making you trust her, all the while she spies on you for me.”

Isadora’s beautiful green eyes go wide, her hand clutches the towel she’s holding to her chest as though she’s in pain. “You wouldn’t.”

Heather’s sweet face turns sour. “I didn’t lie to you when I told you about me. I just happened to leave out that I’m fine, and that I’m not as hopeless as you think me to be.”

“I didn’t think you were hopeless,” Isadora says, and I can see the pain in her eyes.

It’s a pity Heather feels none of that. She would come to me every night and tell me about Isadora. It was easy to get her to do what I wanted. After that first night I saw her standing outside while I was smoking, I wanted to know more about her, and Heather was an easy way in. Heather would come and tell me what she wears, who she served, where she lived, what she had in her home, every damn thing I needed to know. And I knew everything, all thanks to Heather. She’s an easy catch, in exchange for, what? Me saying I’d keep her.

I didn’t say how, and quite frankly, I don’t think she cared. She only cares for what she can run her mouth about, and how much money she can make from running her mouth.

She’s simply a climber, and I have no time for people like her. The only reason she’s near me right now is to ruffle Isadora’s feathers, and it’s working extremely well.

“It doesn’t matter. You had what I wanted. Didn’t you think it was weird that I suddenly started to get to know you, Isadora? I do that to most of the girls, to see who’s working at the club for the right reasons or who’s a spy. I didn’t think you were until that night you didn’t want me to come here. You really should work on your poker face, Issy.” Heather finishes speaking, her hand slides up and down my bare arm.

That’s a no.

A big fucking no.

I remove her hand and step away.

Isadora notices and smiles.

“You should leave, Heather, before I get angry,” Isadora says, and I see fire in her eyes.

“You don’t scare me, Issy. You’re locked in a room with the most ruthless man in this town. It’s not you I’m scared of, you idiot.”

“It should be,” I mutter to Heather making her head swing my way.

“What? You still want this whore?” Isadora straightens her stance at the use of that name from Heather.

“Leave, Heather, and take your lying mouth with you.” Isadora steps forward, but Heather shakes her head. “No. Maybe I’ll fuck Jasper in front of you. See if you like that?”

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