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Cowboy Casanova (Rough Riders 12)

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“Why is that?”

“Bennett likes variety. He’s got excellent instincts with whips, floggers, riding crops and canes, knowing how far he can push the submissive’s pain threshold. Seems he’s always being asked to show his expertise on another member’s partner. When he gets her to that headspace, he returns her to her partner.”

“So Ben doesn’t have sex with every woman he demonstrates on?”

Layla shook her head. “Hardly any, actually. He’s very mindful of boundaries, yet there’s never any doubt who’s in charge during the scene. There’s something about his quiet intensity that draws subs like bees to flowers.”

“Or it could be the size of his…ah…stinger that attracts them,” Ainsley said.

“Oh man.” Layla giggled. “Ain’t that the truth. Murph once gave me twenty lashes because he caught me licking my lips during one of Bennett’s public scenes.”

“Yes, Ben’s got a smoking hot body besides his impressive stinger.”

Layla squinted at her. “What’s up with you calling him Ben?”

“When he’s in Dom mode he’s Bennett. When we’re hanging out, he’s Ben.”

“How much time have you spent with him?”

“The last three nights. We’ve come to terms on the specifics of his one-month proposal. Since we live in the same town, he suggested we skip the club for the month.”

“Are you all right with that? You trust him? Because some subs only want to play where there’s supervision in case the Dom goes too far.”

“I trust Bennett. Even when the idea of surrendering that much control to him scares the bejeezus out of me.”

“Learning to integrate your submissive side will be hard for you, but that doesn’t mean you should alter your personality, in or out of the bedroom, just to please him.”

Ainsley frowned. “Explain that.”

“Doms expect a certain amount of disobedience from subs, especially new subs just learning their parameters. You are a strong woman with strong opinions. If you never act out, either accidentally or on purpose, how will you know the difference between punishment and discipline?”

She vaguely remembered Ben mentioning that, but she hadn’t asked specifics. “There’s a difference?”

Layla nodded. “Murphy forcing me to do a public scene was punishment for the way I humiliated him. Discipline was the caning I received in private the next three days to reinforce his dominance and as a warning not to do it again.”

“So I’m supposed to be defiant to see how Bennett reacts?”

“Not always. But accepting everything Bennett says or does…where is the learning curve? What are the limits? For both of you?”

“I never thought of it that way.”

“As happy as I am that you’re getting a taste of the lifestyle, even behind bedroom doors, I want to caution you about a couple of things.”

Ainsley expected Layla to alert her to the physical pain from spankings. Or reiterating practicing safe sex, or suggesting Ainsley call her if something happened that made her uncomfortable. She hadn’t expected her friend to warn her off Ben completely.

“Don’t fall for him, A. Not as Bennett, not as Ben. Keep the relationship focused on you embracing your submissive nature with an experienced Dom.”

“That’s it?”

“You shouldn’t look to get involved long-term with the first Dom you meet anyway. Don’t expect promises of forever or fidelity, especially not from Bennett. Don’t agree to play every night. And for heaven’s sake, don’t spend the night with him because that’s a gateway drug for subs. As soon as you’re able to function following his aftercare, leave. Or make him leave.” Layla’s gaze turned shrewd. “What?”

“Ben’s already asked me to spend the night with him.”

“Have you?”


“I see that not yet answer in your eyes, Ainsley.”

She fidgeted. “But he can just command me to stay over anyway, right?”

“Technically? Yes. Especially if you’ve agreed to give up your weekends to him.”

“We haven’t talked about that.”

“You need to. Next time you’re together before the clothes fly off and the restraints come out.”

Ainsley rolled her eyes. “Gotcha.”

“I worry about you, knowing he’s in the area. You’re trying to prove you can handle the bank president’s job. You’re new in town and it’d be easy to spend all your free time with Bennett. I don’t want you to get too attached to him, because it won’t last.”

As much as Ainsley wanted to protest, she’d be wise to listen to Layla since she’d known Bennett for years. “All right.”

Relieved, Layla sagged against the loveseat. “Good.”

“Thanks for the advice. I never would’ve mustered the guts to do this if not for you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad we’ve reconnected, A.”

“Me too.” Ainsley stood. “Let’s eat. Then you can give me hints on how to keep my Dom on his toes while keeping my butt from getting paddled.”

“Don’t even pretend you don’t want that man spanking your ass at every opportunity.”

“I’m blindfolding you tonight.”

That was an abrupt subject change. “I guess that’s one way to start the weekend,” Ainsley said dryly. She’d weighed Layla’s advice and ignored it simply because she’d wanted to spend the whole weekend with him. In his house. In his bed. Under his control.

Bennett traced the line of her jaw and stared into her eyes. When he studied her so intently, as he touched her with such familiarity, she felt more naked than when she was actually naked. Stripping her defenses was more intimate than stripping her clothes.

“Will I need to bind your hands so you don’t tear the blindfold off?”

“Maybe.” Ainsley’s heart pounded. How could he make her so skittish with just words? “So you’re going to blindfold me, tie me up and then what?”

“Leave you in the barn while I come back inside and watch The Speed Channel.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“Isn’t that what you’re afraid of? I’ll take away your choices and leave you powerless and at my whim? Then I’ll somehow abuse you, or your trust, which will allow you to get upset and leave, which also lets you regain control?”

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