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Always Crew

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Zellman caught it, didn’t say a word, moved from his seat, and slid it into his pocket. He never took his eyes off of Jordan.

None of us did.

“She quit school.”


Bren’s hand found mine on the couch. Her pinkie wrapped tightly around mine and she squeezed hard.

Jordan’s voice came out sounding strangled. “Said this thing with Harper hit her harder than she thought. She went to Roussou Friday night and she’s been there the whole time. She took a leave of absence, but she’s probably done. So yeah, she quit school. Gonna stay there, help Sunday with the kid.”

Zellman swore under his breath. “Sunday’s due soon, too.”

Jordan nodded, both his hands going to his hair. His eyes were wild, crazy. He found me. “I need a party. I need girls. I need loud music. I need booze. I need to not think right now, and a party will help me really not think. Does your brother know of a party happening right now?”

My brother had a soccer game tomorrow, so he was probably in bed.

But I said, “I can text him.”

Zellman snorted. “The guy doesn’t party unless it’s with Allen.”

“Fuck!” Jordan threw his head back, starting to pace. It was just like outside, only worse now because he knew everything.

Bren leaned forward. “We can go to Cougar Lanes? My job.”

“Isn’t that closed?”

She shook her head. “It’s a bar, but it’s a bowling alley. It stays open till two. The guys won’t care. Promise.”

Jordan blew out a ragged puff of air, his hands coming out of his hair. “Yeah. Okay. That’s enough. Can we sneak in booze?”

“Yes, but we cannot get caught. I might not drink.”

Zellman stood up, shooting Bren a grin. “Pretty sure the only person drinking tonight is Jordan.”

Bren nodded. “I’ll call and make sure there’s a lane open. It can get busy Thursday nights, or so I’ve heard. I’ve not worked the evening shift there.”

“It’s kinda hot that you work in a bowling place.”

We all stopped.

I shot Zellman a glare, then because there was nothing to say to that, I clipped him in the back of his head.

“Hey!” He gave me a look.

“The fuck you say shit like that?”

“What? I like bowling.” He was looking at us, wide-eyed. Not getting it. “Have I never told you guys that?”


Jordan wasn’t talking. His hands were pushed in his pockets, his shoulders hunched forward. He looked ready to topple a mountain, and also ready to be blown over by a gust of wind. The dichotomy was real tonight.

Bren held her hands up. “I’m pretty sure we’ve been over this before. You’re not supposed to use the word ‘hot’ and me in the same sentence. Ever.”

Zellman frowned as Bren was grabbing her stuff, ready to go.

I only needed my keys and wallet, which were by the door.

“I think we have, actually.” He gave her a crooked grin. “Sorry.”

Bren was headed out the door. “Stop talking. Just…stop talking.”

Zellman followed. “I really am sorry. I don’t even mean it that way. I use ‘hot’ for everything lately—”

“STOP talking! Just stop. Now.”

Their voices carried across the distance, and I remained in place, glancing over at Jordan.

He was looking at me, not holding anything back. He had aged ten years in the last four hours. He blew out another breath, shaking his head. “She quit school, man. Was that my fault?”

I shook my head. “No. It’s hers, all hers. Zellman’s right. She chose. I know you probably reached out.”

“I did. A few times. I kept getting forwarded to Sunday.”

Then she had got the messages. Bren’s too.

“You can only follow your gut, but mine is saying that Tabatha needs to work this out on her own.”

“So what do I do while she does?”

Zellman hollered from outside, “Let’s go! I’m not lying about bowling. I really do like it. I’m going to wipe the floor with all of you losers.”

I grinned, pointing outside. “Apparently, we bowl.”

FROM: Tazsters

TO: Cain Group

SUBJECT: grrrrr

No one is checking their emails tonight. What the hell? I’m in Grant West. Hello. I need hourly updates, none of this whenever you get to it crap. I’m a part of the Wolf Crew. I mean, I’m not, but you guys know what I mean. I’m blood. I can feel Cross’s emotions sometimes. That makes me half him, and that sounds weird.


Signing off.

Love everyone.

Did you guys know that band Sustain used to play here a lot? So cool!

Race says you guys suck. Wait. Never mind. He was saying that about his cell reception.

Keep. Me. Updated!


Also, I’m not liking that I’m not in the ‘Cain group’ email list. So not cool.


I’d forgotten it was Halloween this weekend.

That’s something I should’ve remembered, or I felt like I should’ve. We walked into Coug r Lanes and it was full of witches, goblins, angels, even some dressed up as politicians. There was a guy who’d made himself into a condom stand. Another person was dressed up as a giant wiener dog.

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