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Drawn into Love (Fluke My Life 4)

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“I didn’t buy a hundred different kinds of soup,” he informs me as I enter the room. “But I did get a few different movies since I wasn’t sure what you’re into.”

“This is really nice, but—”

“Here.” He cuts me off, holding a mug out toward me.

I take it and feel the warmth from it seep through to my cold fingertips.

“Just small sips,” he instructs.

I nod, studying him. He looks different today, with stubble covering his jaw, a plain black T-shirt that’s stretched across his broad chest, jeans that are faded in all the best spots, and sneakers that have seen better days.

“You look different,” I blurt like a total dweeb.

He grins. “I haven’t had to go into the office in a few days, so I haven’t had a reason to shave.” He rubs his hand over his cheek, and my fingers itch to do the same thing. “Come on.” He picks up the stack of movies sitting on the counter, then takes my elbow again and leads me to the couch. “I’ll put in a movie.”

“I’m probably going to just fall asleep,” I admit when he drops my elbow so I can take a seat on the couch.

“I don’t mind.” He picks up the remote, and I watch in fascination as he sets up the movie.

I haven’t even figured out how to use the full system yet. Tucking my feet under me, I sip the tea, then frown when he disappears behind me into my bedroom. When he comes out a second later, he hands me my blanket and pillow. I’m touched.

“Get comfortable,” he says before heading into the kitchen. I hear the microwave go on, and shuffling noises as he moves around.

I arrange my pillow on the armrest, set down my cup on the coffee table, and then cover myself with the blanket. I smile at the movie he chose. I love a good suspense flick. I haven’t yet seen Gone Girl, but I did read the book and enjoyed it.

“I’ve been meaning to watch this,” I tell him when he takes a seat on the other end of the couch, near my feet.

“Me too, but I’m thinking it probably won’t be as good as the book.”

“You read the book?” There is no hiding the surprise in my tone.

“I read all the time.” He shrugs, catching me off guard.

“What kinds of books do you like?”

“Mostly mysteries.” He shrugs one shoulder. “But I’ll read fantasy if the mood strikes.”

“So you read for enjoyment?”

He nods, and I sigh. Add another line item to the ever-growing list of things I like about him. I have always loved to read. Growing up, I didn’t always have access to a TV, but I did always have a library card. When I was with Tom I stopped reading for a while, because I was so caught up in our life together. Tom only read what he had to read for work, so I didn’t think about it. Two years before our marriage ended, I got a Kindle and started reading again. Looking back, I realize that I was reading to escape the reality of our deteriorating marriage. It was easier to be focused on a fictional couple’s relationship than my own.

“Why do you seem so surprised?” Lucas’s words bring me out of my thoughts.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m just surprised that you like reading. I don’t know many men who read for fun.”

“Shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.” He grins, and I grin back while rolling my eyes. He lifts a fork with what looks like chicken and broccoli on the end of it to his mouth and takes a bite.

“What is that?”

“Grilled chicken and vegetables. Are you hungry now?”

“I’m not ready for food,” I say.

His expression softens with sympathy before he reaches out and rubs the top of my foot, which is tucked against his hard thigh.

“Just rest.”

“You know, I’m starting to realize that you’re a little bossy.”


“I am resting.” I point out the obvious.

“Good. Then keep doing it.” He smiles and takes another bite from the container he’s holding. I debate whether to add bossiness to the “things I like about him” list. I’m not exactly sure if it’s a good thing or not. Instead of focusing on him and the fact that he’s in my apartment because he came to take care of me, I turn my attention to the movie—which is really good but still isn’t as good as the book. I’ve come to find that no movie is ever as good as the book it’s based on. When it finally comes to an end, I expect Lucas to tell me he’s going to leave, but he doesn’t. He puts in another movie. This one is a comedy that I mostly doze through, even though I hear him laugh every now and then before I fall asleep.

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