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Drawn into Love (Fluke My Life 4)

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“I . . . Nothing?” She shakes her head, and the freaked-out look in her eyes makes my hackles rise.

“Something is up?”

“Nothing is up. I was just cleaning the kitchen.”

“Yeah, and I told you I’d do it after we spent some time together.” I sit on the couch and pull her down with me. “Here.” I hold the glass out to her, and she looks at it like it’s going to sprout fangs and strike out at her.

“I can’t have that.”

“Why not?” I ask. Her eyes widen. “Courtney, if you don’t start talking to me, I’m going to lose my fucking mind. Tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“You know, you’re annoying,” she snaps, glaring at me.

“You say that a lot. Yet you still agreed to marry me, and you’re still married to me.”

“Well, today you’re more annoying than ever.”

“Talk to me,” I growl.

Her eyes narrow even further. “Fine, ruin it. I’m pregnant. Are you happy now?”

She falls back against the back of the couch while my mouth drops open and my stomach gets tight.

“I wanted to surprise you with the news, but no”—she shakes her head—“of course you couldn’t let me do that, could you? You just had to be all annoying and demanding and ruin it.”

She has to gasp the word it against my lips, because I crash my mouth down on hers. I thread the fingers of one of my hands through her hair, then rest my other hand over her flat stomach. Over our child. I kiss her with everything I’m feeling. I’m overwhelmed with happiness, overwhelmed with surprise, but mostly overwhelmed with love.

“You’re really pregnant?” I ask when I pull my mouth from hers. She nods. “Fuck. Fuck me.” I rest my forehead against hers. “When did you find out?”

“Today,” she says.

I lean back and frown down at her.

“I didn’t want you to worry, which is what you always do, so I didn’t tell you that I had an appointment. I’ve been feeling off. I thought something might be wrong, and—”

“Do not ever do that again.” I cut her off. “I know you think I worry too much, but I love you and Maddi. You two make up my world. If you ever feel like something is wrong, I want you to tell me.”

“I’m sorry.” She bites her bottom lip. “The good news is, nothing is wrong. What I’ve been feeling is normal during the first trimester.”

“Yeah, that’s good news.” My hand rubs her stomach. “So you found out today?”

“Yes. The doctor did two urine tests, and they both came back positive. She said the blood test will be back in the morning for double confirmation.”

“We’re having a baby,” I whisper, looking into her eyes.

She smiles, and her face softens. “We’re having a baby.” Her hand cups my cheek. “Maddi is going to be a big sister. Do you think she will be happy?”

“I know she will be,” I say, watching her smile.

“I want to at least surprise her with the news, since you ruined the surprise I had in mind for you.”

“What was my surprise?”

“Now you’ll never know, since you ruined it.”

“Fine.” I nip her bottom lip, and she laughs.

Her body seems to melt under mine. “I love you, Lucas.”

“I love you, too, baby. Always,” I whisper.

“Always,” she whispers back.


“I’m ready for a story, Mom and Dad,” I yell downstairs. I check on my hamster, Beanie, and my guinea pig, Walter, then get into my big bed. It’s a double that I picked out when we moved into the house. I love the house and I love my bedroom, but I really love my bed because it’s big enough for my dad, mom, me, and Merida to cuddle on for story time. My friend Susie told me I’m too old to have my parents read me books at night and tuck me in. I told her she’s stupid. Until I go to college, I’m going to have my dad and mom tuck me in and read to me. Anyway, they don’t think I’m too old.

“Did you brush your teeth?” Dad asks, coming into the room holding Mom’s hand.

I don’t roll my eyes—even though I want to—but I see Mom roll hers.

“Yes.” I giggle.

“Good. Scoot to the middle,” he says. They get into bed on either side of me, but Merida doesn’t move from her spot at my feet.

“I can’t wait to see what happens next in the story,” I say, holding up the book we have been reading for the last two weeks. It’s a book about a girl who’s a princess warrior on a mission to save her people from an evil witch.

“Tonight we have something else to read,” Mom tells me.

I frown. We’ve been reading the princess book for weeks now. It’s almost done.

“What book?”

“This one.”

She hands me a book, and I look at the cover.

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