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Feels Like Home (Southern Bride 5)

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Her words felt like a slap in the face.

“You don’t think I can do it?”

Bristol sighed. “Oh, for the love of God, that is not what I’m saying and you know it. You’re letting this random guy fill your head.”

“Okay, well, you calling it a ‘crapshoot chance’ sort of says a lot about your faith in me.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it, Anson. I know if you put your mind to it, you can make something of yourself. I know you’ve got the talent for it. I’m simply asking you to take a moment and breathe. I told you I’d go to Nashville with you. I told you I would support you in this dream, but I can’t just walk away from my life here at a moment’s notice. I have my own responsibilities. And you have responsibilities as well. What about your family’s ranch?”

“What about my family’s ranch?”

She closed her eyes and sighed.

“Go ahead and say what you mean. Are you saying you can’t, or you won’t?”

“That’s not fair. You’re asking me to put everything I want on hold. All I’m asking is that you give me a week. One week! Let me settle things here, explain to my folks, explain to your folks. Figure out where in the hell we’ll work, live. Anson, I cannot take a blind leap and leave it up to fate that we’ll both land on our feet. There’s a lot at stake here, and you know it.”

I looked away from her. In my excitement, I hadn’t really thought about any of that.

“I’ll find a job, you can find a job, we don’t have to stay that long. Give me a year then, that’s all I’m asking for. One year.”

“I’ll go with you for the audition, Anson. We can stay a few weeks, see what it’s like there, then come back to Comfort and regroup. I can’t up and leave with you tomorrow simply because this guy says something you want to hear.”

“If I’m going to try and make it in Nashville, I need to live there, Bristol, you know that.”

She stared at me in disbelief. “I’ve stood by your side through all of this, Anson. I didn’t go to my senior prom because you had a gig in Dallas, and I wanted to be there with you. I’ve traveled hours by your side in your truck through countless states, helped you set up your equipment, helped book gigs. I know how much this means to you. But if you would stop and think for one minute about someone other than yourself, you’d see you aren’t the only person in this world with a dream. It was only a few days ago we were talking about our future. What about the ranch? Our dreams of building a house there, raising a family? What about my dreams of owning my own tea shop? I still want that, and I’m willing to put it on hold if you would stop and listen to me, but I won’t rush off to Nashville on a mad dash. This could be a wild goose chase for all we know.”

“Bristol, I’m not asking you to give up on any of your dreams. I’m simply asking you to be by my side because my dreams don’t seem as important without you there with me.”

“No, you’re asking me to jump in blindfolded. To leave everything and everyone I love behind without so much as a goodbye.”

“What about me? Are you able to let me go any easier?”

She glared at me, and I saw the tears coming back. “Don’t you dare do that. Do not guilt me, Anson Meyer. You know how much I love you. I love you more than anything, which is why I’m bucking on this so hard.”

I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at the girl I had been in love with forever. Hell, we’d known each other our whole lives. There were pictures of us sitting in a bathtub together, butt-ass naked as 1-year-olds. We grew up together. Knew everything about each other. Her mother, Emmie, and my mother, Pearl, were best friends. Hugo, her father, and my dad, Carl, had known each other their whole lives. Our families were tied together through love and friendship. I loved her with everything I had, but this was my one shot and I felt it. I knew it in my bones that this guy was legit. Why wouldn’t she realize it and take the risk with me?

“I love you, too, Bristol, but I’m going to Nashville. I have to go, Babe.”

She swallowed hard. “That’s it? You won’t even try to work something out? You won’t give me a few days? You’re just going to rush on out of town and head there on the word of one man because he says so?”

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