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Feels Like Home (Southern Bride 5)

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That lifted my spirits. “Of course he can stay here! He can stay with me as long as you want him to.”

He nodded then leaned down and kissed me again. “I’m sorry I have to leave on such short notice.”

With a slight chuckle, I replied, “It’s okay. I know you’re coming back.”

“Once I get there and have a better idea of when we’re meeting, I’ll call you and let you know when I plan on coming back. Lanny will stay in Nashville. Robert wants to talk about when we’re going to start the European tour. I still have a few dates I need to make up for. I don’t suppose you could take some time off and come with me?”

“To Europe?” I asked with a laugh.

“Yeah, to Europe.”

My laughter faded when I realized he was serious. “You want me to come to Europe with you?”

“I only have four shows to do. London, Paris, Barcelona, and then we end in Dublin, Ireland. You’d be gone for two weeks.”

“Um…I guess it depends on when.”

“Probably in a few months—so late summer, early fall. Let me talk to Robert about it. We had to cancel the shows when I had my little…”

“Incident with your fist hitting a reporter’s face?” I said with a smirk.

“Yeah. That.”

“I think I can manage if I have enough notice.”

A wide smile grew across his face, and my knees felt weak. “Really? You’ll come?”

“Of course I will.”

He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me once more. Goodness, the man was full of mind-blowing kisses today.

“Anything to have you in my bed every night, Bri. While you’re in an agreeing mood…there’s a private function in Nashville this weekend. I wasn’t going to go, but if you could, what about flying up Friday, and we could come back to Comfort on Sunday night? You’d only miss two days of work.”

The thought of going to Nashville with Anson was exciting. “I could ask my mom and Mindy if they can cover for me. That won’t be an issue. Maybe I can ask Drake to stay at the house and watch Zeus. If he can’t, I know Mindy will. She’s fallen in love with that dog too.”

Anson’s eyes lit up like the Fourth of July. “The event is Saturday night, so I can show you around Nashville and you can see my home there.”

“I’d love that,” I said, and I meant it with all my heart. That town had been such a huge part of his life the last six years, and I wanted to see what his world was like there.

“How do you feel about flying on a private jet? They’re smaller, but safe. I swear to you. You’ll fly out of the Kerrville airport.”

“A private jet?” I asked with a disbelieving laugh. “Anson, I can fly on Southwest or something.”

He shook his head. “No. If I send the jet back for you, it’ll be a straight flight, first thing Friday morning. That means more time that you’re with me.”

I placed my hand on his chest and felt the beat of his heart. The last few weeks had been such a whirlwind, and I had really longed for things to settle down. But then maybe this was my new life now and things wouldn’t really ever settle down. At the very least, things would be interesting. Private jets. Private parties. Flights around the globe.

“Will I need a dress?”

“I’ll have Lanny take care of it.”

I frowned. “I can buy my own dress, Anson.”

He laughed. “I know you can, Baby. But it’s what I pay her to do.”

That made my stomach lurch slightly. “Pay her to buy women’s dresses for parties?”

I pushed away from him, suddenly dizzy with the awful feeling of jealousy. Where in the hell had that come from?

Anson reached for my arm and pulled me back to him. His eyes met mine.

“Stop. That’s not what I meant. Lanny has never bought clothing for any woman. Ever. I was only saying she could do it since you most likely won’t have time. It’s a formal party, and you’ll need a formal gown. Lanny is used to buying clothes for me, and I know she’ll enjoy shopping for a woman for once.”

It felt so strange, the idea of another woman purchasing a dress for me.

I nodded, not sure if I was on board with the whole idea, but he was right. There was no way I’d have time to look for a formal dress. Much less afford one that would be worthy of a Nashville music event.

“Okay, I’ll fly on your fancy private jet and let your assistant buy me a dress.”

“It’s Robert’s plane, by the way. And thank you for coming. It really means a lot to me.”

I reached up onto my toes and kissed him, all the doubts wiped clean by the handsome smile on his face. “You’re welcome.”

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