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Feels Like Home (Southern Bride 5)

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I let an awkward laugh slip free as I shook his hand, then smiled at his wife. “I hope all good.”

He gave me a wide grin. “Yes, all very good.”

“Anson has told me a lot about you as well.”

Jane gave me a sweet smile. “I certainly see why the man has been besotted with you all these years. You are simply stunning, my dear.” Jane looked at Anson and winked. “All those songs you sang in my living room make perfect sense to me now.”

I felt my cheeks heat as I slowly drew in a calming breath. Was everyone going to constantly bring up our past or remind me how I was the inspiration for Anson’s songs? It was becoming a theme this evening.

Anson’s grip on my waist tightened, and I could practically feel the tension coming off his body.

“This is, um, this is Lori Miller, and I’m sorry I’m not familiar with your date, Lori.”

Lori was stunning. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair pulled up elegantly and piled on top of her head in curls. She had a body that screamed she either had a kick-ass trainer—or the money to make her boobs look that amazing.

Lori gave Anson a smile that said there was certainly something between the two of them. Or there had been. “Beckham. This is my date, Beckham.”

Anson stretched his hand out and shook Beckham’s.

“Pleasure to meet you, Anson,” the man said. “Lori’s told me she’s interviewed you a number of times and what a pleasure it was.”

I was stunned by the dirty look Anson sent Lori’s way. When I turned to look at her, she simply smiled as she took a sip of her wine. I couldn’t help but feel like it was an inside joke that she enjoyed more than Anson did.

Anson pulled out the chair for me, and I thanked him as I sat down.

“Have you been to Nashville before, Brianna?” Lori said.

“Bristol,” I corrected.

“She knows your name,” Anson growled. “Knock it off, Lori.”

I snapped my head up, looking at Anson and then Lori. With the way Anson was treating her, I had to wonder what his beef was with reporters. And why in the world was a reporter seated at our table?

I cleared my throat and tried to push through the now-awkward feeling surrounding our table. “To answer your question, no. This is my first time here.”

She gave me a smile so fake I wondered why she even tried.

“There are so many places to see and things to do. How long will you be in town for, Bristol?” Lindsey asked.

“Not long, we’re leaving tomorrow to head back to Texas,” I stated as I reached for a water and took a sip.

“How sweet that you can come in for the weekend and then sneak Anson back to Texas with you,” Lori said coolly. “Tell me, Anson, will you be living in Texas now?”

“This isn’t an interview, Lori. It’s a charity dinner.”

She let out a laugh so conniving that it sent a shiver down my back. “Trust me, Anson. I remember what our interviews were like.”

“That’s enough, Lori,” Robert stated in a firm voice.

Lori looked my way and smirked as she held up her wine glass and toasted me before she drank the whole thing down.

“Bristol, tell me what you do for a living!” Lindsey said. Bless her for trying to change the subject.

“I own a tea room in Comfort. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. My folks own a farm right outside of town, and my mother had her own catering business for years. Once I managed to get my own place, I opened up Farmhouse Tea.”

“Adorable name!” Lindsey said.

“Yes, adorable,” Lori deadpanned.

I ignored her and spoke mainly to the other two couples. All Anson did the entire dinner was either talk to Robert and Ryan or glare at Lori. When it was over, and Lori and Beckham stood to go dance, I felt myself finally relax. The tension eased out of Anson’s body as well.

“How in the hell was she seated here?” he bit out.

Robert shot him a warning look. “Now’s not the time or place, Anson. I’ll figure it out later.”

I wanted to ask him what his problem was with this Lori, but I decided now that she was gone, the last thing I wanted to do was bring her up.

As the night progressed, Anson’s mood lightened considerably, and he was soon back to himself. I, on the other hand, was becoming increasingly tired, and my stomach felt a bit off.

“Anson, how much longer before we can leave?” I asked.

He looked down at me, concern on his face. “We can leave now if you want. Is everything okay?”

I swallowed and tried to keep the sudden feeling of sickness down.

“We should probably leave. I’m not feeling very well.”

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