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The Soldier Next Door - The Forbidden Fun

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Or maybe, I totally embarrassed myself and he’s laughing at my stupid note and picture with his buddies. I slap myself on the forehead. How could I have been so dumb? I mean, who am I kidding? Brady has probably been with a slew of women that are way more mature, beautiful, and amazing than me. They’re probably nowhere near as desperate either.

Suddenly, a small knock comes from my door. I turn around and see my mom poke her head in. Her brown hair is blown out, even if it looks a bit stiff. She’s wearing a loose-fitting black tank top and white sports bra. Her wide hips and round butt are packed away tightly in some pink yoga pants.

“Hi honey, are you okay?” she asks, reading the worry on my face.

“Oh yeah,” I say with a smile. “Nothing much, just some boy drama. Why, what’s up, Mom?”

I am surprised to see Jackie. With her new summer hours, she’s hardly home. If she’s not volunteering, then she’s at the casino with my dad. This is the first time I’ve seen more than just her shadow in two weeks.

She frowns at me, her pink frosted lips pursing.

“Well, you know boys your age are basically twelve mentally. Don’t get too caught up in that drama. It’ll do nothing but drain you and distract you, my smart little Susie Cue.”

I smiled wryly at my dreaded childhood nickname.

“Don’t worry, I’m not wasting a second thought on my male classmates. Anyways, did you need something?”

My mom nods.

“Oh right, that’s why I came in here. You have a letter, sweetheart. From Brady Firestone? Isn’t that our neighbor whose house you watch?” she asks, handing over a dirty white envelope.

I take it from her with shaky fingers. Holding it in my hand, I read my name and address written in black, scratchy ink. Brady actually responded? I am so nervous I think I stop breathing for a second. I can’t even hear my mom anymore, my heart is pounding so loud in my ears. She looks at me oddly again.

“Why is Mr. Firestone sending you mail from Afghanistan?” she asks casually. “I didn’t know you knew each other that well.”

I stammer.

“Um…I…it’s because I’m taking care of his house. So, you know, I sent him a letter basically saying everything is okay. Oh, and um also, I sent a care package. You know, part of my summer volunteer work. Like what we did for Junior League a while ago,” I stammer out.

She nods, still looking a bit suspicious. But Jackie knows the veterans’ project that I have been participating in for the last couple of years.

“Oh, that’s right. That’s so nice of you to do that, sweetheart, especially while you have free time. You could be doing anything, like hanging out with your friends or chasing boys. But instead, here you are, making cookies for our neighbor fighting overseas. Oh my Susie Cue, how did I end up with such a perfect daughter?” she kisses me on the forehead.

I shake my head. “Mom, I’m not perfect. I’m like every other young adult out there.”

My mom beams.

“You’re perfect to me and that’s all that matters. Think about what you want for dinner and tell me what Brady says about the cookies! I remember when you made them. They were delicious, and your best batch yet!”

I smile weakly at her.

“Oh definitely, I’ll make sure to tell you what he says. And thanks, I just used your recipe.”

My mom smiles at me, tapping her index finger on her chin and twisting her mouth.

“No wonder! I thought they tasted familiar. Anyways, think about dinner and I’ll leave you to it.” She smiles one last time before turning and leaving my room, closing the door softly behind her.

As soon as I hear the click of the door, I instantly rip open the letter. I have to see what he said. Right before I take the note out, I pause, suddenly nervous. My heart pounds loudly in my chest and my blood is pulsing quickly through my veins. I feel my breath catch as I slide the piece of paper out of the envelope.

With shaky hands, I unfold the letter and begin to read his scratchy handwriting. I get more and more excited with each word.

* * *

Dear Kid,

* * *

Well I should probably stop calling you “Kid” as you are far from that Susie, the Girl Next Door. You are sexier than you know. I’ve been thinking about you too, ever since you came flouncing out your house in those tiny shorts and even tinier top. I know exactly what you were doing, and I think you do too. Watering flowers? I don’t think those begonias saw a drop, Kid.

Anyways, I’m writing this letter to say thank you for the cookies. They were delicious and I ate them all in one sitting. I also want to say I’m looking forward to the other cookie that you told me about. I’m sure that cookie is warm and smells just like vanilla. I promise you, when I see you next, I will serve you something you couldn’t bake in your wildest dreams. Wait for me, Susie. Meanwhile, I look forward to your next batch of goodies.

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