Bad Boy Hero - Tanglewood Academy
But I can’t deny I look good. The dress hugs my hips, dips just low enough at the neckline to be stylish without straying into too revealing. At the bottom of the box, I find a pair of heels too, simple kitten heels with a broad base that make me smile. Keanen clearly knows me well enough already to know he shouldn’t send me spike stilettos to wear.
I head out to meet him, all too aware that the moment I descend the staircase of my dorm steps, the whole common room falls quiet. But whereas lately all I’ve gotten are glares when I walk past, today, everyone is gawking.
That draws a small smile to my face. That’s right, I think. The scholarship girl cleans up well.
At the doorway, before I head outside to meet Keanen, I give a little wave over my shoulder, gratified to notice the way everyone snaps back into their former conversations immediately, pretending they hadn’t been staring. All except for Yvette, who gives me a small wave back, looking guilty.
I head out into the evening air, sighing. Don’t let Bette get to you. If for no other reason than that I know it would give her too much satisfaction.
I’m halfway down the block before I hear a call. I turn to find Keanen behind me, leaning up against a black Mercedes. The kind of car I’ve never even dreamt of riding in.
His eyes travel up and down my body, his smile widening. “You look incredible.” He pushes off the car to stride toward me just as I’m walking toward him, meeting me halfway and wrapping both arms around my waist. He dips to press his lips to mine, and for a single, delirious second, I can let myself forget about what he just said.
But then we break apart, and reality rushes back in. My mouth twists. “What, because I finally look like everyone else here?” I reply, unable to disguise the sour note in my voice.
His eyebrows rise. “Missy.” He leans back to look at me again, doing a pointed sweep of my whole body this time. “You could never look like anyone else here.” He tilts his head. “And I mean that in the best possible way.” His eyes catch mine. Hold on. “You’re unlike any girl I’ve ever met.”
My heart skips, and my belly tightens. I don’t know what it is about Keanen, but he can make a terrible day melt away at once.
His hands skim my waist again, and I lean into him, smiling. “Why do you always know just what to say, huh?” I arch an eyebrow.
He grins. “Guess I’m just good at reading you.” Then he leans in to kiss me again, and this time I don’t pull away. Warmth spreads from my stomach all the way down to my core. His hands shift lower, gripping my ass, pulling me against him, and I laugh softly against his mouth.
“Is this date in your dorm room?” I murmur. “Because I wouldn’t complain.”
That seems to draw him back to himself, and he twists away. “Nope. Come on.” He catches my hand and pulls me toward the car. I trail after him, laughing.
Inside his car, my breath catches again. The seats are leather, the console looks like something that would be more at home in a spaceship. And when Keanen starts the engine, the hum is so quiet I almost don’t know it’s on until we glide away from the curb, light as if we’re floating on air.
“So do I get any hints?” I ask.
He holds out his hand, palm up, and I drop my hand into his. I love the way my hand feels inside his. When he weaves his thick, strong fingers through mine and squeezes tight, I feel so much safer. Protected.
Then he glances over at me, that enigmatic look on his face. “Of course not. That would ruin the surprise.”
I roll my eyes, although secretly I’m loving this. In all my past flings—not anything that even really lasted long enough to be called a relationship—I had to suggest everything, plan everything, lead the way. I enjoy how Keanen takes charge.
Even if sometimes he can go over the top.
“You know, you didn’t have to buy me an entire outfit.” I glance down at what I’m wearing. “I can take care of myself.”
He raises my hand to his mouth and kisses the back of my palm. The touch of his lips sends a wave of heat along my arm. “I know that,” he says. “But you shouldn’t have to. I plan to treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
I fall silent as the car weaves effortlessly through traffic. Tanglewood University is located a little ways outside of the nearest city, Amherst, which is in and of itself small. I haven’t ventured into the town yet, though, so pretty much anywhere in the area would be a surprise for me.