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Protecting Her

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“I’m not pouting.” I suck my bottom lip in. Was I pouting? Wait. Did he call me cute? I’m not sure how I feel about that. Cute isn’t bad. It’s often what I’m called, but for once I want to be sexy. I’m not sure that’s even a category I could fall into, but I think a man like Gabe only dates sexy. It goes with that sexy rough thing he’s got going on.

“Looks like it to me.” I keep my eyes trained on the computer and continue to act as though I’m working, even though I have no clue what the hell is even on the screen at this point. My only thoughts are of how sexy he looked with that smile on his face.

“Well, I’m not. If you must know, this is how I look when I’m concentrating on groundbreaking research.” There. I told him. I smile to myself. The bed starts to shake. I look down at him to see that he’s silently laughing. I sNathan his chest. He grabs my wrist, his laughter stopping. My heart rate picks up at his touch.

“Don’t hurt yourself.” My hand does kind of sting. I should have known his chest would be extra hard, like the rest of him. I’m not sure what came over me to even hit him. His thumb rubs along my pulse, and I know he can feel my heart pounding.

He gives my wrist a pull. My laptop slides off my lap onto the bed as he pulls me down closer to him. My eyes drop to his mouth. What is happening? He’s a jerk that grunts a lot and bosses me around. Plus he could already have something going on with Laura. At least that’s what my brain is screaming. My body is screaming something else altogether. It’s drawn to him and begs to be closer to him. Traitor.

“Are you and Laura together?” I blurt out. I was never good at holding my tongue. Even when I was in school and the teacher would ask a question. Everyone else would raise their hand but I would shout the answer out before being called on. It was a bad habit of mine. Worse when I was rushing to correct the teacher.

“No.” His eyebrows pull together in confusion. “Why would you—” I kiss him, cutting off whatever he was about to say. I guess my body is running the show. When Gabe’s hand digs into my hair, his tongue slipping out of his mouth to lick the seam of mine, my mind blanks. I can honestly say that this has never happened to me before. Usually I can’t stop my mind from racing, but as soon as this man puts his lips on mine, I forget everything.

“Open your mouth, Catriona,” he orders, his hand in my hair tightening. I part my lips for him. My body follows his command. His tongue slips into my mouth as he takes control of the kiss. I expect the kiss to be hard and rough to match him, but it’s not. It is slow and almost lazy. He’s taking his time and savoring it. Memorizing the feel of my lips against his. Or maybe it’s me that’s doing that.

I hear something in the background, but I ignore it as I start to kiss him back. A groan comes from him that slips through my body, waking every part of me up. My nipples tighten as the need to be closer to him throbs inside of me.

“Catriona.” He pulls his mouth from mine, but I don’t stop. I kiss along his jaw, and he makes those same groaning sounds again. “Catriona.” He says my name again. I lean up to look down at him, realizing I’m straddling him. When did that happen? How did any of this happen? I lick my lips, making his eyes drop there, and I want to kiss him again. I shift, rocking against him. He closes his eyes as if he’s pained.

“Fuck the phone.” He grabs me, flipping me over onto my back.

“The phone?” I ask. Then I hear it. The ring is my boss’s. “Nathan!” Gabe’s nose flares.

I push at his chest, but he doesn’t budge.

“Didn’t say I was done.” He grins before his mouth is back on mine again.

Chapter 8


There’s a voice in the back of my head screaming at me that I’m violating a hundred different codes and rules, but her warm body is lying under mine, her hands are curled around my shoulders, and her tongue is tangling with mine. Her tits are smashed against my chest. I reach between us and palm one. She moans, and the sound travels directly to my dick. I grind my cock into her pussy. Her hips rise and her legs part, giving me better access. I want more—more of her body, more of her kiss, more of her touch. I don’t fucking care about ethics and dumb shit like that. It would take a bomb to get me off of her–or Fred.

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